The significance of the number 14

I recently read a source book about signs, symbols, and numbers. And I found something on the number 14 that is very interesting.

"In Freemasonry, the significance of the number 14 has not gone unnoticed, and due attention is paid to the fact that the body of Osiris was reputed to have been cut into 14 pieces by his murderer.

Isis, Osiris’ wife, found the pieces and gave then a more fitting burial. Thus, the number 14 came to be associated with death and resurrection.

In the Tarot, this is equivalent to the card called Temprance; Temprance mixes liquid from a blue jug with that of a red jug. This mixture gives Violet, the color of Temprance, and the color of the spiritual and material combined."

This made me think of the story between Saint - 14 and Osiris. As well as the Violet color from Temperance as it gives meaning behind the Helm of Saint - 14.

The burial of Osiris associates the number 14 with death and resurrection, like a Warlock in destiny would die then come back. Or how a Exo’s memory is erased before they are born again.

I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts on this


That’s something I had not connected, Saint-14 and Osiris. Nice.


I could get spinfoily but regardless this has a lot of interesting implications.

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This is actually really cool, @HotBootyCakes!

Usually when people make connections between particular numbers and parts of the fiction of Destiny I kind of roll my eyes because the connection is so tenuous — but in this case I think there’s a definite possibility of a relationship! Great find :slight_smile:

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This is a great post but I couldn’t help but chuckle when I saw the name @HotBootyCakes :joy::ok_hand:


Something interesting in Legend: Saint-14.

After defeating Solkis, Saint tells the Speaker he is too tired to come back to the City, and will receive honors when he returns after a rest.

Yet when the Speaker says Osiris has gone AWOL to Mercury, he immediately drops everything, has his Ghost prepare weapons and plots a course right away.

We know they were friends, but even then his reaction makes it clear where Saint’s priorities lie here.


Yeah, he clearly has a love for Osiris.
Wherever this love stems from it’s obviously very strong if it could drive him to drop everything in an instant to go search for him.


Well, at this point with how little we know, the depth of the bond between them is unclear, so any label besides friendship is at best speculative.

However, we must work to be unbiased and open to all possibility.

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Sorry if I offended you or anyone I meant it purely for comedic effect.
If it happens to be that they are actually in a relationship then I would be completely okay with that and it would add a a new layer of depth to the characters!
So since you’re not the only one who took it the wrong way, I’ll be editing the reply.


Thats very gracious of you, and I completely understand. No problem :relaxed:


My husband calls Shiro “Cayde’s missus” for some reason but maybe that’s just my house. :grin:


hands Red tinfoil hat

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Dont’cha mean spinfoil hat? :yum:

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Good find I would think that Saint-14 and Osiris would have a few connections in spite of their history