- 1. Be Nice
- 2. This is a Destiny themed discussion forum
- 3. Provide evidence for your arguments
- 4. Take care of the forum
- 5. Post good content
- 6. Improve the Discussion
- 7. Your Participation Counts
- 8. If You See a Problem, Flag It
- 9. Powered by You
- 10. Terms of Service
1. Be Nice
We want the Ishtar Commons to be a friendly, welcoming place for new Destiny Lore fans, so we ask you to be nice.
This means no:
- Name-calling.
- Ad hominem attacks.
- Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
- Knee-jerk contradiction. (See 3. Provide evidence)
Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the conversation.
2. This is a Destiny themed discussion forum
We are here to talk about Destiny, its Lore and the Ishtar Collective.
Sometimes we stray a little bit off the subject, and that’s great, but don’t create topics that have nothing to do with Destiny.
3. Provide evidence for your arguments
We believe strongly in evidence, logic and maintaining a healthy but respectful skepticism.
When you disagree with someone, provide evidence.
When you want to prove a point, provide evidence.
Holding and sharing theories is fine, but point out the gaps in your own theories and be open to other possibilities.
And don’t forget to be nice!
4. Take care of the forum
The Ishtar Commons is a shared resource, and all of us (not just the admins!) have a responsibility to ensure that it is looked after.
- Don’t start a topic in the wrong category.
- Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.
- Don’t post no-content replies.
- Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.
- Don’t sign your posts — every post has your profile information attached to it.
Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use “Share -> New Topic”.
5. Post good content
- Only post content that you own. If you are quoting something from Destiny, or from Reddit, or another source, please ensure that you make this clear and link to it.
- If you are linking to a Destiny quote we would prefer you to link to the Ishtar Collective
- If you are linking to a Destiny quote we would prefer you to link to the Ishtar Collective
- Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
- Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
- Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
- Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.
6. Improve the Discussion
Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Please spend some time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and you’ll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests.
7. Your Participation Counts
The conversations we have here set the tone for everyone. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not.
Discourse provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: favorites, bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too.
Let’s try to leave our play area better than we found it.
8. If You See a Problem, Flag It
Moderators have special authority; they are responsible for this forum. But so are you. With your help, moderators can be community facilitators, not just janitors or police.
When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. It encourages the bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time. Just flag it. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention.
In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Moderators do not preview new posts in any way; the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community.
9. Powered by You
This site is operated by your friendly local staff and you, the community. If you have any further questions about how things should work here, open a new topic in the site feedback category and let’s discuss! If there’s a critical or urgent issue that can’t be handled by a meta topic or flag, contact us via the staff page.
10. Terms of Service
Yes, legalese is boring, but we must protect ourselves – and by extension, you and your data – against unfriendly folks. We have a Terms of Service describing your (and our) behavior and rights related to content, privacy, and laws. To use this service, you must agree to abide by our TOS.