Saint-14's Return - Speak to Ikora Rey

Name: Saint-14’s Return - Speak to Ikora Rey
Recorded: 2020.02.11


++ Bazaar, The Tower, The Last City, Earth

Ikora Rey: Let’s hope your journey to help Saint doesn’t have any unintended consequences for our timeline. Even the Warlock Orders don’t fully understand the ramifications. The Speaker exiled Osiris for less. But I know you’ll stop at nothing to right a wrong. Eris says that Guardians are bound to lives of loss. We don’t usually get to see our old friends again after they’ve passed. So thank you for this. Just… try not to make this a habit.


Hey! I watched your video: I completely forgot about this dialogue from Ikora. I added one minor edit to the first sentence: before it was “you” instead of “your”.

Let’s hope your journey to help Saint doesn’t have any unintended consequences for our timeline.

Thanks for providing this source!

Created Speak to Ikora Rey based on this post.