Quest: Bottle the Arc, The Stormcaller's Path

Name: Quest: Bottle the Arc, The Stormcaller’s Path
Recorded: 2020.03.02


Ikora Rey: Mars. The Vex crawl across her surface, seeking out rare Arc storms, bathing in their power like hot springs. We have located one on the far frontier. If you are to call the storm, to learn the trance, you must go. And let nothing stand against you.

++ Blind Watch, Meridian Bay, Mars

Ikora: Find a space to clear your mind, Guardian. This is how a Stormcaller begins.

** The Guardian heads towards the area where they are to complete their first meditation, defeating the Vex which they encounter. The Guardian completes their first meditation.

Ikora: Good. The storm is aware of you, but you need its loyalty. Do it again.

** The Guardian heads towards the area where they are to complete their second meditation, defeating the Vex which they encounter. The Guardian completes their second meditation.

Ikora: The storm begins to obey. Once more, Guardian.

** The Guardian heads towards the area where they are to complete their third meditation, defeating the Vex which they encounter. The Guardian completes their third meditation.

Ikora: Your lightning walks its own path! A show of force is in order. Call the lightning and become one. You will either rise a Stormcaller - or not at all.

** The Guardian heads towards a railing that is being struck repeatedly by lightning. Arc energy surges through the Guardian’s body. The Guardian is struck by lightning and summons Stormtrance.

Ikora: A Stormcaller rises. Let’s turn our attention to the Vex. They’re here for the Arc. Show them the Arc.

** The Guardian uses Stormtrance to defeat the Vex.

Ikora: None stand against you, and the wind is at your back. You are a Stormcaller, and you wear the mantle well. The storm is both an answer and a question. As you carry your spark from this place, remember this. And teach this lesson to those that would drag you from the skies.

++ Hall of Guardians, The Tower, The Last City, Earth

Ikora: The power of an Arc Storm surges through your fingertips. I can feel it. The air hums with potential. You are a Stormbringer, in title, and strength, and power.

** The Guardian receives a Stormcaller’s Bond.

// REFERENCE {item:Stormcaller’s Bond}

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