Name: Quest: Interference, Means to an End (Week 13)

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Name: Quest: Interference, Means to an End (Week 13)
Recorded: 2020.09.07


++ Cradle Descent, Echo Mesa, Io

Eris Morn: Savathûn’s influence over the Cradle grows. Retake the Tree of Silver Wings.

Eris Morn: The servants of Savathûn fight to keep us from the messages of Darkness. Use the Seed to dispel their foul influence.

Eris Morn: Savathûn’s forces reach toward the Darkness. Use the Seed to burn them away.

Eris Morn: The Pyramids speak to us, but Savathûn’s forces interfere. Banish them so our studies can continue.

Eris Morn: Frenzied creatures swarm the tree once more. Do not let them keep us from the message of the Pyramids.

Eris Morn: Enemies of the Light swarm the roots of the great tree. Bring the Seed and banish them once more.

Eris Morn: Savathûn’s forces attack the Cradle. Destroy them, and use the Seed to reveal the secrets that sleep within.

** The Guardian heads towards the Tree of Silver Wings.

++ The Cradle, Echo Mesa, Io

** The Guardian enters the area with the Tree of Silver Wings and finds two Envoys of Savathûn summoning Savathûn’s Witness, a huge Shrieker. Savathûn’s Witness teleports away. The Guardian defeats the Envoys of Savathûn and the other Taken which appear.

** The Guardian heads towards the area where Savathûn’s Witness has teleported to. Another Envoy of Savathûn appears. The Guardian defeats the Envoy of Savathûn and fights against Savathûn’s Witness. Savathûn’s Witness teleports away again and the Guardian is teleported to the Ascendant Plane.

++ Court of Savathûn, Ascendant Plane, Io

Nokris: An agent of violence. What more must you cull?

Nokris: The sky is vast, but shallow. The deep is boundless, but suffocating. There is another way.

Eris Morn: Nokris is but a grave-sewn puppet. Believe nothing you hear in this place, Guardian. Fight well.

Nokris: Cast off your Worm. Your tiny bulb of sickness. Your tethered anchor that drags to the sky.

Ghost: Worm? Speak for yourself.

Nokris: The Taken Queen saves. Freedom for bondage.

Nokris: Whispered gifts are promised blades that twist. A liar’s game.

Nokris: Does Xol’s clutch hold you now, as it once did me?

Nokris: Give, and be given. Take, and be Taken.

Nokris: You are abandoned.

Nokris: Is malice not enough?

** The Guardian defeats the Taken which appear and disperses two rituals. An Unstoppable Taken Phalanx appears. The Guardian defeats the Unstoppable Taken Phalanx and disperses the third ritual. A barrier blocking the entrance to the area with Savathûn’s Witness disappears.

** The Guardian fights against Savathûn’s Witness. Several Envoys of Savathûn appear. The Guardian defeats the Envoys of Savathûn and Savathûn’s Witness. The Guardian goes through a portal which teleports them back to the Tree of Silver Wings.

++ The Cradle, Echo Mesa, Io

** The Guardian returns to Eris at the Tree of Silver Wings.

Eris Morn: This message denotes a continued, inevitable movement. “Falling” would be a suitable translation, though the outcome here is not necessarily negative. The die is cast. As the light from a distant star takes time to reach our eyes, an event we cannot yet perceive has already occurred. Hmm.


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