Epiales is now at the source of the Voices…or so he thought…
Epiales: Why the hell would i give in? So they can have their way?! So they can torment me!!! WELL…IM…NOT…HAVING IT!!!
Epiales empties his mag into Yor…but…he’s unharmed?
Epiales: Wha-what the hell? What are you?
Yor: As i said…a tale for another time…but you have proved my point. You Guardians are truly quick to shoot. Then again, nothing is more satisfying than knowing you brought someones untimely end…You do enjoy it…don’t you?
Epiales: No! The hell makes you think that?
Yor: Well i understand your namesake…Epiales…The Greek god of nightmares…my personal favorite if you ask me. So! Why would you come here if you wouldn’t want to give in? There’s surely a reason i presume? Cause if not…
Yor pulls out his Thorn and aims it at Epiales
Epiales: I just…i just want to know why They picked me…me of all people…there surely must’ve been others to torment.
Yor lowers his Thorn with a smile on his face
Yor: Well there’s a simple explanation for that…You had the most promise! Face it! You were meant for this! Do what i couldn’t…Take my place Epiales…and we could build a utopia! A palace of wonders…So…what do you say? Would you like to live in luxury with your followers without fear of attack…or die like the others will when They have their way?
Epiales feels the Voices pulling on him…pulling him to them…then he sees it…their grand idea…a universe without threat…at peace…
Epiales: I…I…
Yor: Yes?
Epiales: I…I’ll join you…
Yor looks upon Epiales with a smile on his face
Yor: Perfect…