Chrome Extension for Ishtar Collective

Hi everyone! I’ve developed an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to do several things with the Ishtar Collective! It includes features such as:

  • Open the ishtar collective website
  • Search ishtar collective directly from the extension window
  • Visit a random Ishtar Collective page from either the Lore Entries, Grimoire Cards, or Records section (similar to wikipedia’s random article button - I also made this myself after noticing Ishtar Collective didn’t have a button for it)
  • Add an option to the right-click menu to search ishtar collective for highlighted text (this feature is only present when you are on the collective website, however there is an option to show it on all websites)

Unfortunately I am not a registered Google Chrome developer (I am a hobbyist who can’t afford to pay for the chrome developer program) so the method to install it is slightly different from other chrome extenions. However, all the code is open source and can be viewed after downloading.

How to Install

  1. Download the zip file from this google drive link and extract it to a location of your choosing.
  2. Click the 3 dots on the upper righthand side of the screen, then click More Tools, then Extensions.
  3. On the upper right side of the page, click the switch to turn on Developer Mode. (This is because you will need to manually install the code since it is not on the Chrome Web Store.)
  4. An option will appear called “Load Unpacked”, click that button and select the folder you extracted called “ishtarchrome”. (Make sure to upload the folder, not the zipped folder!)
  5. You can open the extension by clicking it’s icon on the extensions bar. (If you don’t see it, click the puzzle icon on the top right side of chrome)

Enjoy! Let me know if there are any features you would want added. Let me know if you use this! I like to know my work is being put to good use :smile: