Does Calus have no real body?

You’re right! That’s assuming we talk at all! Silly me!

I mean depending on where you play the game and what language you play it in, your guardian, ghost could speak in many different languages.

Well English is one language in the world that most people speak. I’m just assuming this because it seems to be how many of the people have their game set up, am I wrong? But I do see what you mean.

“Find them,” he told the messenger. “Find me this hero. And we will go to them.” He turned to Tlu’arg and instructed him to set a course for the Sol system. Then, he commanded Ilhali to prepare his other Automatons, the robotic creations made in the likeness of the great Emperor, which were built so that His Joyful Majesty might be able to watch himself in many unique situations. The Emperor did not specify why the Automatons should be prepared, but there was such joy in his voice that his Advisors made no objections.

This section might lead to the idea that the emperor has no true body anymore.
He instructs Ilhali to prepare his other Automatons, like he might be speaking through one.
Just a thought

Penubral Cloak Lore piece:
"…He chuckled, suddenly. “I leave the system for a couple hundred years and everything goes to hell.” He shook his head. “Look at you. The Cabal Emperor isn’t even Cabal anymore. Right?”

It’s not a chronicon entry it’s real Calus-Drifter interrogation.

Wait, is it true Calus has extra skin that is used to make the robot stand-ins?

Funny how this concept is used a couple times in the lore.
We of course have Calas, but also Osiris and the Ishtar researchers that were in the vex mind.
Also to go a step further our ghosts could be seen as many copies of the traveler, even the vex can be seen as multiple copies of the root mind.

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