Is destiny sci-fi or fantasy or both?

“this must seem like an 18 karat run of bad luck… truth is… the game was rigged from the start”
love that quote, anyways are we talking just vex paracausality or all paracausality

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Just the idea behind the word

In a game full of top of the line brains, it is a word they use for that which they cannot explain (yet)

II too love the multiverse idea in destiny.
Back in D1 reading the first bunch of grimoire, I got the feeling that many of the stories could be seen from a multiverse point of view.
Many stories can be viewed as metaphors for a different reality.
Picture if you will, the mind of a lizard in an egg and how that creature would view its world.
The mind of this infant would only know itself. (keep in mind we are talking about full awareness but with no knowledge)
If that growing creature could view its small world it might see it’s small front legs and two little legs behind it. :crocodile:
To the mind of that creature who could not yet control these appendages, they might seem like a family to it.
Not being able to control these limbs the poor creature must of often been smacked around a bit by the closest limb, and the hind legs could be seen as always following it but never able to catch up.
Now with this “metaphor” in mind I want you to view a card from the BoS about monsters dreaming as a link between two dimensions, in one you have a small creature trying to make sense of its new world and on the other a complex story of a family in distress.
The link that lead me to that idea, were the fathers glasses and the idea of three claws. I feel these types of story metaphors exist in much of the lore, the idea of levels of knowledge going from the mind-egg-universe-mind and so on. (might be egg-mind-universe actually.) Each new step you are just a little fish in a small pond, but what if you went backwards? That is the idea that Bungie is trying to explore.

I love that. We are currently in the “egg” stage if Destiny were to be an IRL thing. We only know ourselves and nothing but. Consciousness with no knowledge.

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Go back through the BoS with that in mindset.
Another good one to look at in the same way is that same lizard writing the tablets of ruin by scratching the inside of the egg shell. All powerful god of his domain :grimacing:

A interesting way to look at the multiple dimensional theory is to look at how this might be accomplished.
You would need a link between each, which could be provided by the link of the minds between the realms but you would also need to find the balance to the original mind to create conflict between the two halves of the same entity.
So if you could create a conflict/interaction between two halves of the same, you would need a link between their states of being possibly a computer that might be able to converse between the three states of being, Siva-Rasputin-Vex. Does that make 9? Lol.

Vex would be in your mind, siva in your egg Rasputin in our universe

Now hold on, how are you sure that the Vex, Siva, and Rasputin are as you listed?

Just the concept of what they can be. If there was a super computer of some type it could control a nanomite to alter the inside of the egg and a simulation to alter the mind.
Metaphors for possible truth.
How you view each from each reality can lead many ways.

Here could be the loop of dimensions between two opposing halves of the “one”
Let’s just say the fundament was the “egg” and the worm was the “lizard”
Oryx connects the egg to universe by way of the needle ship, not only as oryx the krill but oryx the scientist with a needle and DNA. Also as Oryx the AI program that controls the nanomites and virtual reality. On the other side we have the Guardian(s) in game. In the realm of the scientist they would be fellow scientists against him gene splicing research. And finally the guardian protocol, an AI made to hold the scientist to certain rules of morality.
Just thoughts. :crazy_face: device could be linked to the multiverse showing each user the endless possibilities of such a loop of time/dimension of their own “self”

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