Pilgrimage: Harbinger's Seclude, Cliffs

Name: Pilgrimage: Harbinger’s Seclude, Cliffs
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8PeTjSyQJU&list=PLuETOCJ3rwAasBqvVaLhJ728cNapCYUMM
Recorded: 2018.09.20


Shuro Chi: The Dreaming City is built upon a disc that contains a silver sea. The water is real, but the horizon is an illusion if you’re accustomed to spherical worlds. If you went far enough, you’d fall off the edge of the disc.

Shuro Chi: There is a stabilization ring beyond the horizon that holds the City in alignment. When water goes spilling off the horizon, it is captured and fed back into the atmosphere before it dissipates into space.

Shuro Chi: When we helped Queen Mara build this place, she felt it was essential to incorporate water into the landscape - to honor our old home in the Distributary, to make everything here feel more… real.

Shuro Chi: This waterfall is not fed by a river. Instead, its water comes from hydrocapture systems buried deep in the bedrock. We recycle all of our water - the whole place runs on a closed ecosystem.

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