Pilgrimage: Spine of Keres, Oracle Engine

Name: Pilgrimage: Spine of Keres, Oracle Engine
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxrf7H-9eRs&list=PLuETOCJ3rwAYYpYLyFPZnxTEafDpLJJ1B
Recorded: 2018.09.28


Shuro Chi: We created the Oracle in communion with the Ancients. It was our invention, and ours alone. The Ahamkara had nothing to do with it.

Shuro Chi: The Oracle Engine is a bridge - and I mean that in two ways. Like the bridge of a ship, its powers can be used the whole of the Dreaming City… and like a bridge across a chasm, it links worlds together.

Shuro Chi: I’m told that before the Collapse, humans invented mechanical models of this solar system. This is no model. Models are static. They do nothing but mimic an idea. This Oracle - it creates ideas.

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