Question relating to the Taken (potential Forsaken spoilers)

So, in the Last Wish Raid, there are Taken Techeun. Were they Taken when Oryx fired his superweapon, or did that happen after he went to the Dreaming City and Took Riven?


They were most likely Taken afterwards, as the Reverie Dawn armor set shows otherwise.

“Transformed by the hand of another secretive sister.”

I assume it means that Savathun tried to take them, and we freed them from their partially corrupted state.

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The lore on the RD armor set seems to be contradictory.

On one hand you have the lore on the head pieces which seem to point towards Oryx Taking the City and its inhabitants. On the other, you have theclass items which suggest that a sister of someone (probably Oryx) Took Riven, at least. There is not an intuitive way, as far as I can tell, to reconcile this contradiction. Perhaps Oryx did not take Riven but Savathun did when She obtained the Power of the Deep

As far as I know Savathun never got the power of the deep, only oryx. where did you find this?

These do not explicitly say that Savathun has the power to take, but they do imply it. They may also imply that Savathun achieved the power to command the Taken; regardless, someone took a Red Legion commander and Oryx is dead, so…where does that leave us?

She might be able to control the taken, but does that really mean that she can actually Take?

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Not explicitly. The argument could be made that to control the Taken in such a manner that an assault upon the Dreaming City on the scale we see is possible necessitates the ability to take, I would say that is not the case. After all, Malok could not Take, as far as we know, and he still wielded impressive control over the Taken under his command.

While I agree that most of those hint at or imply that savuthun can control the taken, I think only the first one actually hints that she can take. Also it seems that Medusa I something made by savathun, or at least someone that has something to do with her (as shown in the third link(I think or the second))

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I’ve heard it hypothesized that medusa might be a subprotocol of Quria that is resisting the Deep. There was a hint of that possibility in Books of Sorrow but nothing more that I’ve been able to find.