Redrix's Broadsword

Hello, I’m new here. I came searching for a copy of the Quest Step from Redrix’s Broadsword, not the Claymore. The steps have cool little dialogue or quotes from characters and i can’t find anywhere the step I want. It’s called The Shape of Things to Come.

Please Ishtar you’re my only hope

Are you sure you are looking for the info from the Broadsword? I looked up the quest item you said, and it returned an item that would have to come from Broadsword, since it references Valor, not Glory. Broadsword was Valor-based. Not trying to contradict you, just trying to understand.

Welcome to the community you two!

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I can’t navigate this site very well :sweat_smile:

Thanks! I’ve been reading here for the better part of a year, but finally decided it was time to join the community.

I am working on compiling the steps for you. It is taking a bit of time.