Replacement name for a dredgen

Another word for demon/devil in Japanese is oni btw.

Knew that, but thanks Crys

Time to find the Russian translation then. (Btw I will be using Google Translate so don’t expect perfection)

дьявол (pronounced “d’yavol”) means “devil” in Russian.

It’s almost like English steals from other languages… (Sarcasm)

Naaah. Why would we?

Here’s another cool sounding one, in another Asian language, with traditional Chinese we get 魔鬼 (Móguǐ).

I’m thinkin Móguǐ Totsu.

Sounds damn cool dude.

for the two characters I have it would probably be dredgen blade (The Abyssal Blade) and dredgen deification (deification through deep) I know I switched about that last one but thats what it means to me

Mine would be Dredgen Hati ( Hati being the Wolf in Norse mythology that chases the moon and the brother of Skoll or Fenrir).

Darth Yor finds your lack of faith… disturbing

Lol. Just imagine a guardian doing that.