Special Mission/Quest (Fan-made)

You travel to the Tangled Shore and loot chests (Can be any chests), you find an alien skull which is reminiscent of a skull that was on a once fabled Weapon. (The drop rate will be 20%) The skull will appear exotic in Pursuits. The Skull asks “Seek out the one who is the exception, who lies in the land where only the strongest lie…” You go to the Dreaming City and become Ascendant and go do that week’s Ascendant Challenge. However you must find Toland and NOT complete the challenge. A message will come up saying Travel (You must hold a button). (This is the Special Mission, Time will be 20 minutes) Your screen will go black and you will appear in a place called The Shattered Plane. (This is a 3 Man fire team must) Toland will appear and he beckons you and says “Hurry” You will complete multiple jumping courses whilst dodging those annoying things that come out of nowhere. (Btw if you look out on the left, you can see the Oryx’s Dreadnaught but it is a little faint.) You will come across a puzzle that leads to the inner room of Toland’s throne. You must unlock the door by dunking three charges into an urn. In order to do this, the strategy will be similar to the Oryx/Daughters of Oryx strategy. There are 4 circular elevated platforms. One of the 4 platforms will have a Taken ball. Once received you will get the “Toland’s Seeker” debuff and you will become a Taken. The other two people will have to jump on platforms (one on where the Taken Guy is and the other guy will have to go to the next clockwise platform.) Taken will start Spawning and there will be 7 Taken Goblins and a major hobgoblin named “Servant of the Mind” in the middle. The goblins would always protect the Servant of the Mind and Shadow Thralls start spawning by about two every 5 seconds. The Taken Person would have to jump platforms in order to get a Taken ball and get a buff called “Key of The Shattered” where they have to dunk the ball in the urn. However the platforms are only going to spawn correctly if the platforms are stepped on the correct order and if all platforms have a guardian upon the previous. This is where the Servant of the Mind takes place. The first available person has to kill the Servant of the Mind and they will get a buff called Shadow Guard, it will leave behind a shadow Guardian wherever the guardian was last standing when it killed the servant. This shadow justs stands around until the buff goes away (which lasts 35 seconds) but it will activate the plate. So that Real guardian can go to the next corresponding plate. Then the next available guardian will kill the eye. Once the Taken guardian dunks the ball, another Taken ball will spawn at a random plate and the process repeats. More Shadow thrall will spawn at the second and third run. After the puzzle, you will encounter the final boss, Simiks, Mind of Savathûn. Simiks is a Chimera/Taken Servitor. This boss will of course have its Taken Balls that will protect it periodically but Taken will spawn every time 10% of its health is taken away. At 70% of its health, Two Ultra Taken Hydras will spawn, one named Zeos, Eye of Quria and the other named Falseos, Grasp of Quria. At 20% health two major Shriekers will spawn named Protector of the Mind. Once Simiks is dead and all the Taken are gone, Toland will appear not in a ball form, but in a human Ascendant form, he says “Maybe you are more than an insignificant pawn in this game.” He transforms back into a ball and teleports away. The mission ends and you are granted Bad Juju.
Context: The reason why the Taken are invading Toland’s Throne world is because Savathûn sees him as too much as an annoyance to keep him around and as a bit of a threat because he does know more about the Hive than any of us and he might learn the weaknesses of the Witch-Queen. I mean after all, he did lead the road to Oryx’s fall, release us from the ascendant realm, give us advice about Savathûn’s plans, lead us through Ascendant challenges and in one challenge, he helped us defeat Abyssal Champions/Big Hive Knights by letting in the light and recharge our super really fast. Since he is weak for an Ascendant, he needed someone to get rid of the Taken attempting to enter his Inner Throne World.

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… other two people? This is interesting, please continue it.

Sorry, Accidentally published it early. Here is the full version.

I was wondering why it just ended suddenly. It sounds really good and I would like to see stuff like this in the game. I like how you brought in stuff that was in the game, but then put a twist in it that made it your own. Great job.

The next Outbreak or Whisper…

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I can’t lie…this has to be one of the most amazing exotic quests I’ve seen hopefully someone at Bungie See’s this and they use it cause that would be a fun/challenging mission.

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I wish this was the quest mission, not the one we got. The one we got was kind of short and too easy This sounds complex and interesting, and also seems like it would be more challenging.

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