Today I was download all of the new assets that Bungie added for Age of Triumph (we all need our hobbies) and I noticed that the high-quality artwork for AoT has some strange symbols in it.
I posted on Twitter and there were a few developments. The most important one was this:
The icons appear in the globe used in various places within the game. I tried placing the logo over the image and rotating the image so that the icons would fit:
I think it’s alchemy and electrical symbols mixed together. A clever play between the two to say “Vault of Glass” and showing the Heart of Darkness contained within.
The middle section (minus the T sides) is an alchemical symbol for “glass”.
A solid black circle is one I’ve seen in alchemy for “darkness” or “new moon”.
The side extensions, and line running through the “glass” symbol, could be like T-section, capacitor, or some other electrical symbol on its side. Also, you see a sideways tee as part of electrical symbols as the lines leading power into the outlet.
A triangle is also like a multiple/meshed connection, which makes sense for the vault.