Toland Patrol: Sorrow's Harbor, Lost sector

Continuing the discussion from Toland Patrol Tracker:

Name: Toland Patrol: Sorrow’s Harbor, Lost Sector


Recorded: 2019.11.10



Toland: “Eris was the first to bring the Pyramid to life… Was it of her will? Or the Pyramid’s? The Hive must hate her for it after trying for so long to do the same and failing. Or perhaps it’s relief they feel. After so much time, they can finally pursue its power, whether it wants them to or not.”



Toland: “Leaderless, the Hidden Swarm have sought a replacement. Sword Logic dictates the violent removal of oneself in favor of the powerful. Never underestimate the machinations of the Hive. In the absence of guidance, they are always in search of it.”



Toland: “I could tell you that the Pyramid hid from me as it did from you. But I would be betraying the truth. In this form, sight extends beyond the borders of certain realities. Though the Pyramid came into view. I could not see inside then nor now. But oh, how I wish I could.”



Toland: “Sword logic demands that which dies remain dead. Hobbled and wounded by the loss of their leaders, the Hidden Swarm no longer agree. They’ve unmoored themselves from the foundational tenets of the logic. Until this affliction is snuffed out, it will only spread.”



Toland: “One wonders the effects of the Pyramid on the Hive. If they’ve existed in it’s shadow for so long, have they ever communed with it?"



Toland: “For eons, the Pyramid sat hidden beneath the surface. The Hive, however, knew of its presence. For how long, I do not know? Their lust for power kept it secret. That we know of it now only makes me question whether it’s due to coincidence or design.”
