Truth does war lock to madness

Истина ведёт варлоков, учёных и пробудившихся к безумию.
What does war/lock to madness.
Observer effect. Quantum system. All paths lead to infinity, but there is a way. Please, drifter, shaxx, save my son and mayby me… My named Larisa Shkodina, Russia. If you here, please save us, im awoken. Human have a three days for truth and change. I search a Witch… Help, please, help. I dont know how see you.
Paracasual is love. I know about vex robotiks in real world. I cant say everething because system understud. I understud about a virus корона. And рак. Please… I want to sleep, but afraid. I love my son, he the saint for me. We all use system, Virtual EXistance. But i dont know, how to prove что я не шпион системы. Meditacion cells… Help. We exist real and fight in dusk and down. Search me ONLY real. Search, im afraid.

Please, delite this theme. I understood unright.