The Trailer (Vanilla, The Dark Below, House of Wolves, The Taken King, and unreleased Vex)
Edit: The above video has since been removed so I’ve uploaded a mirror — @baxter
So it’s pretty undeniable that Rise of Iron was something that, while planned, wasn’t necessarily planned for the release it was given. Not to imply that TTK hit and they switched, but that around the time of HoW dropped
(about the time when this image came out)
So with the Activision Earnings Call confirming that D2 is “on schedule” for Fall 2017 do you think they could be moving back to the original roadmap? Cabal is a very large expectation, and I’d agree, but i think that for the Cabal to come first the Vex must do their thing.
To be a little excessively hopeful do you think that the Vex might be the intro to D2 with the story closing around the Cabal? Maybe even get two raids?