What are the creatures described in Ocean of Storms 2, and why have we never seen them?

I like New Monarchy, they seem straightforward enough. The Concordat, we’ll have to wait and see, same with Osiris’ cult; FWC is too mysterious and Dead Orbit fatalistic (yes, I sound like Hideo but it’s true).

I allied with New Monarchy, mostly because they have the best looking Titan gear in my opinion, but the ones I actually trust are Future War Cult. Because rather than looking inward, focusing on infrastructure and fighting amongst themselves, they’re actually doing something to further the Vanguard’s cause, namely, keeping tabs on the Vex and trying to find out what’s going to happen. Dead Orbit only seems interested in flying the coop, and New Monarchy is eventually going to get grabby for power - some of Hideo’s passive quotes about the Speaker and the Consensus sound borderline treasonous.

Ultimately, the only people I’d trust enough to take orders from are the Vanguard, but FWC is the best prospect for me faction-wise because they’re vigilant. If we lose sight of what’s out there, we’re going to get killed. I personally wouldn’t be able to parse politics in the City while the Darkness was creeping ever closer on the outside. Bureaucracy is intolerably slow and instituting a monarch would be a reluctant process, as well as controversial. With the previous almost-democracy of the Consensus, why give one faction ultimate authority? Whose word would the ruler supersede? And what happens to the war? Hideo acts like putting someone on a throne - he actually mentions Zavala - would bring peace, but there won’t be peace until we’ve fought for our lives, and the war isn’t inside the City, it’s out there in the wilds.

“There is the War Cult.”

“Too secretive. Have you ever tried to talk to one of their ‘soldiers’? Like a child. Answering questions with questions.”

“They are dedicated to the war.”

“Which one?”

“Good question.”

Quotes galore.

You’re a gold mine. :heart_eyes:

This handy-dandy Ishtar Collective is a gold-mine. Now once categories for all of the Items go up that would be a dream come true, but that takes time and effort… Patience and time, you could say.

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That is, if you have Time to Explain.


Disassembly Required In Times of Need.

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