What does everyone think about season of dawn?

After seeing a video where someone doesn’t like how similar season of dawn is to past season I wondered who in the community felt the same and if this feeling is wide spread or if it is just a few people who feel like this so I am creating this topic for people to discuss it

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I feel like it the same in alot of aspects but, it is tradition. I wish they had brought back SRL but I also feel that the time I spend in Bungies forums has kind of ruined the enjoyment I usually got from the Dawning. THe biggest hassle is clearing out inventory for cookies.

I’ve been a bit distant both this season and last season not because of the content but because I played a lot during season of opulence which kinda burnt me out of D2 and i’m Still somewhat burnt out

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Also In my opinion season of opulence was the best season because it had more new content then any of the two seasons before and after it

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I love the Season of Dawn. It draws on prior lore in really nice ways (Saint-14!!!), makes Mercury relevant again (Sundial), and broadened the selection of relevant weapon archetypes (Sidearms are Useful!?). I also really enjoy the overall feel of this season as it plays off of the end of last season - killing the Undying Mind altered time, enabling this season to begin. We’ve also seen some really well done dialogue (Devil’s Ruin Quest), and we still have Empyrean Restoration and the Bastion exotic quests to complete, so I’m optimistic.

I always think the best course of action with a video game as broad as D2 is just to sit down and play some yourself. You’ll figure out your opinions pretty quickly. :grin:

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Personally, season of Dawn has been the best season for me. That’s mostly because I never bought season pass/annual pass in the previous year, so I missed a lot of content. Now with all seasons pass I can say Season of the Undying was meh, in my opinion. I know it’s purpose was to set up for later seasons and tie-into Shadowkeep, so I’m not bothered by it. Season of Dawn feels like what Bungie’s been trying to reach, not like a setting-up or a test-run. Plus, Saint-14 is the one character that I’ve actually invested in and has gotten me more interested in NPC character relations and this season’s lore and all that. So, thanks Saint.

Note on the Dawning: I always like holiday time in Destiny, but this Dawning definitely got old fast and felt the same as last year, to be honest. What I really want is SRL!

really haven’t been able to play much, though I’m glad Mercury is useful now (not the sundial as its basically menagerie but it was a perfect sparrow racing arena and now me and the boys can try it out)
s-14 is cool, though I hear he’s temporary, and 1k’s little bro (d ruin) is apparently pretty nice. otherwise I got nothing

I think that overall, the season was pretty good. I’m always glad to see the absolute mad lad himself, Saint-14, anywhere. I think that Bungie bringing him back was a great idea and thought that it was very well put together. I also think that the new weapons are pretty good, and I think the exotics are really great ideas. As for the Dawning specifically, I can’t find anything half as good. It’s really just the same old thing brought back from last year, but with a slightly different sparrow. It also seems like it’s way too much of a grind to get all the way to 300 cookies, though that’s with me doing other things besides Destiny. I think that it’s a major step in the right direction, but not all the way there.

Also I heard people complaining about the quest for the devil’s ruin but 1 it’s a sidearm and I don’t think anyone is willing to do a long quest for a sidearm, 2 you got 6 minutes of dialogue with shaxx and saint-14 so don’t complain

I’m on the mooooon. It’s made of cheeeese.


I find it funny that people complain about long, repetitive quests with filler steps like kill x Fallen, but when Bungie makes a short quest without any kill x steps, they complain about it. Bungo can’t win.

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Yep apparently that is the case

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I liked the quest. We got great dialogue, no filler objectives, and I get to use the exotic I paid for faster. I was very surprised, but happy.

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Yeah and it’s a side arm and according to history cough rat king long quests for sidearms don’t go over well

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