What Happened to America?

Hah, you can explore post collapse Detroit today

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I have a feeling it was leveled. =/

Nah, it’s just inhabited entirely by Exos

(Detroit:Become Human reference for people who haven’t played that game or watched gameplay of it)

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Lol. Nice one, my joke was about the super high crime rates.

Here we can see that the Risen Warlords used Nuclear weapons in the manner you describe.

I think I figured out more or less what happened to America I believe that the tower is on the west coast of America somewhere. My evidence to support this is One my original idea is that the tower was in we are up near the dead zone but you’ll notice if you look around the tower skyline you don’t see a massive protruding shard of the traveler. Two I then thought it was somewhere near Asia based on the fact that that there is almost Chinese looking characters around the tower in the opening mission of red war. But this is what proves it all first off I know that it can’t be anywhere Eurasia or South America as Hawthorne remarks in one of the missions in the EDZ ( I don’t know which one) she remarks that she was bringing supplies to the farm when she heard what was happening in the city she then flew over the ocean try to help you (The farm being in the EDZ that rules out all of Europe and Africa I then believed that the tower must have been in some area in the US but I was able to rule out the entire tea of the East Coast and central America based on the fact that there are snowcapped mountains on the skyline that you go through in one of the missions of red war this I believe about the tower is located on the west coast of the US ( also there’s the fact that Amanda holiday has this Texan accent and never remarks to using a ship on her trip to the city ) if you guys have any ideas or evidence regarding this please let me know

The tower is in old russia, as seen in destiny 1 and some cutscenes of destiny 2 due to the snowy surroundings of the large area it is clear that the tower is in old Russia