What would you like to see in Destiny next?

Worm god? I like that… beating it on the back of the head while it burrows deeper. Forcing it to do your will. Fun fun. Damn that makes me sound like an animal abuser. And I already made a sort of quest for Ahamkara. So I could post that here (once I find where I wrote it down).

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Yes. Invades Savathun’s throne world and spreads destruction while riding the worm god

Yeeeee. Juuust gonna ride on Xol… while I make ‘im eat a little bit of all the Hive…

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yeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss. wait. Didn’t we kill xol?

Didn’t Oryx kill Akka? She’s still dickin about. We can yeet Xol back into our realm if we want. Cracks knuckles

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Right. Time to wreck havoc. (Definitely not writing this during a boring history class).

(Definitely not doing the same, not kidding, in History rn.) I’d also like to see more in depth story lines with multiple endings. Maybe even teaming up with some of the enemy races to take down bigger threats.

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Yeah that would be cool. I mean we can have three characters, why not make different storylines for different classes? I get that that would require a lot of work to do that, but I think many people would love to have that.

AS WELL AS, having different things like “I chose to ally with the Fallen” vs “I chose to ally with the Cabal” or something.

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But we cant really expect any of that because Bungie is a rather small company without the manpower of activision. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m still glad they split, but Activision’s workforce helped.)

That’s kind of like the allegiance quest eh? I would love to see that too though.

Yeah but should be allowed to expect something of a storyline somewhat better.

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True. I don’t think we can expect something that great for a storyline until they release that huge release they do every September. Unless they don’t do one.

I sincerely hope they do. I wanna fuggin good story line to hear about from y’all.

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Yes please. To bad Bungie doesn’t have a community ideas page where they actually implement some of the features that are asked for. Wait. Does Bungie have a page? If they do, we can just link this entire discussion.

Also I like that the last 21 posts are just us two making ideas and then discussing them.

Lol yeah. Perhaps we should make a message chain instead? Idk. In Algebra rn (woo…). And so I have probably the whole period to talk (about another 30 minutes as of now). I also theorized that the Nova Bomb would realistically blow up the solar system if it were to actually be a Nova Bomb.

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Do you mean a private messaging? (I’m In science and I have lunch in 20 minutes yeet) If it were really a nova bomb we would all be dead. Ghosts would explode too. And the solar system would probably have exploded. But since it is rather small, I don’t know how much energy it would release, and how much that would destroy.

The “alternate endings” is more so things for D3 (should it ever come out) and then I had the idea of “All Out War” which Bungie will take the two best clans in all of D2. And make the leaders of other clans pick one to ally with. Then the entire Solar System becomes a war zone. Able to alter all terrains and kill any of the opposing players anywhere (maybe even the Tower :eyes:). And you could also play to the other side and be a traitor, double agent. Anything! This could also be where they implement dog fighting and maybe make the Spider a more advanced character as with other NPCs. Having them be “Champions” of their respective sides.

That sounds really cool.