Who Really Killed Uldren?

I kinda agree with that. I guess Bungie just wanted a “jokes on you” moment with Uldren and have him swallowed by the voice of Riven.

I would think that we, the players, are supposed to decide whether we shot or not, but that’s kind of messed up considering you can hear Ace firing. So, it is concrete that THE Guardian shot, at least I can’t see how it wouldn’t be.

the strongest proof we have on this post is that both fired, I suppose it was an assist but we did kill him

Yeah but I wanted a damn boss fight against uldren that pansy


Petra did a killsteal so her k/d would be higher.


I’m pretty sure I saw a video where they separated the audio from this scene, and you can hear both Petra’s weapon and Ace of Spades. Don’t remember which video, pretty sure you can find it on YouTube on the same title as this post.

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Cool, I’ll see if I can find it. Thanks, man.

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