Why Stasis/Darkness powers do not make sense

Guardians received their abilities and powers by the Traveler through the Ghosts. To my understanding, the Traveler VOLUNTARILY released the Ghosts who then found and gave humans these powers of “Light”.
With this idea taken into account, it is safe to say the Darkness/ Pyramid Ships work in a similar way. Eramis actively seeks to bring harm to humanity and the Traveler. Oryx made a deal with the Worm Gods who gave him powers, Chased the Traveler, and he also communed with the “Dark” which taught him how to take. Both of these examples are beings or factions whos goals are aligned to that of the Darkness hence why it voluntarily gifted them with special abilities.
What does not make sense is how we will acquire our stasis abilities which are from the Darkness. We received powers willingly from the Traveler. Oryx and Eramis were gifted powers from the Darkness. So Why would the Pyramid Ships/ Darkness willingly grant us stasis powers which we will surely be using to fight AGAINST the them? Why would he darkness help us defeat itself???

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I believe that even though they are usually granted by either the traveler or the darkness with enough ability I do believe that you can force the darkness or the traveler to give you their power, however it is also highly likely that the darkness may give us the stasis powers as a way to temp guardians to join it, or see how truly strong or weak the will of guardians is


I agree with this, this all seems like the darkness is just trying to tempt us with its power. It wouldn’t make sense for us to seek it’s power out. The fallen already have a vendetta against the traveler for leaving them so it willingly gave them power and will offer it to us to try and sway us away from the light.

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Basically, the way I see it is that the Darkness is throwing us some candy and then saying, “Hey bud, I know you like candy, so why don’t you come with me and I’ll give you more.”

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It’s temptation. Though certainties must be held until we see it ourselves, It seems to be giving us this power, knowing that we’re going to use it against it, as a way of knowing its strength. Afterall, the Darknesses instincts can be traced down to strong over the weak. It knows that us Guardians are always trying to find ways to get stronger, and so it’s using that desire of strength to pull us more and more to it. It will get us to join it, even if it means giving us the ability to harm it for a period of time.


I agree about the temptation, but i guess we are presuming too much about efficiency the stasis against the darkness.

Probaly will work. after all, is a game and the devs in advertising material, always focus that we must use " Fire against Fire". Forget for a moment, that is a game. In reality, we cant burn a flame with more fire or use more water to wet the water.

We use light to tore ourselves in Crisol. Darkness know we will use the stasis against his minions. Probaly it has no effect against it or it knows how to protect himself. Same for the Traveler. There is no record, a guardian using a super against him. No one know if will work.

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Ok, there is a bit of a misconception that I feel is going on in this argument. The Traveler is NOT the Light, and the Pyramids are NOT the Dark. Light and Dark are the paracausal forces that govern the Universe. The Traveler is a being that uses the Light. It bestowed us the powers of Light through the Ghosts. That does NOT mean the Pyramids are the same. We can see in the trailers that the Pyramids create a Stasis crystal that siphons the powers into a Fallen lieutenant. They do not work the same way.


There is no darkness. There is no light. Only salvation. And accepting the darkness within brings salvation.

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Also cool ice powers

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ya more importantly ice powersssss

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