Identity of Dredgen Yor (Rezyl Azzir)

Felwinter lifting their knee into someone’s face isn’t Shoulder Charge.

That’s like saying a Hunter throwing and is using Thunder Strike.

Or if he punched someone he used Storm fist.

The knowledge that knees are powerful parts of the body is what Jolder taught Felwinter. He did not use shoulder charge

I agree and disagree with you @AnonPig. Even if that is Felwinter using Shoulder Charge, Shoulder Charge isn’t a “Subclass ability”, it’s a skill, like Blink, which we know Warlocks taught to Hunters, so it makes sense that Jolder could teach it to Felwinter. That doesn’t mean Felwinter was using Striker abilities, but simply learned a cook skill.

@RedRenegade[quote=“AnonPig, post:21, topic:113, full:true”]
Felwinter lifting their knee into someone’s face isn’t Shoulder Charge.

That’s like saying a Hunter throwing and is using Thunder Strike.

Or if he punched someone he used Storm fist.

The knowledge that knees are powerful parts of the body is what Jolder taught Felwinter. He did not use shoulder charge

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I think the biggest problem with basing identities of early Risen/Guardians on Class or SubClass type is that we don’t know how they were formed. It seems unlikely that all the SubClasses were born fully formed as we know them with the birth of Guardians. While we look at a description of a Guardian and instantly Class them because of their size, or what they’re wearing, that doesn’t mean that’s how it always was. I doubt the first Warlock was pulled out of the ground wearing a Bond.

Right, but those are ‘class items’, they are meant to show what class you are. Maybe not the first Warlock had one, but eventually, the Warlocks said “this is how we will know who’s a part of our order.”

I only drew that conclusion because the aerial animation of Shoulder Charge leads with the knee.

I agree with you that it could be Shoulder Charge, but I just don’t see that as using the Titan Subclass as much as it is using a Titan skill.


Yor was most likely a hunter (as evidenced by his cloak being a hunter class item, and “The Rose of Dredgen Yor” being a hunter artifact). However, this theory is still pretty sound. Maybe they were… brothers? This could explain away any rebuttals to your theory, as siblings tend to have similar speech patterns and Yor could’ve very easily been a different class than Azzir then.


Well, neither Yor nor Azzir made reference to siblings in their respective Grimoire cards. Yor would have done so to taunt Shin.

If I can butt my way into this discussion the problem with the theory of Azzir is Yor(I agree with it none the less.) We have no solid timeline of when the two when up to the moon that I believe is our biggest problem proving this otherwise its the most solid theory we have.

The most likely is the Great Disaster, but Azzir’s Ghost makes mention of the Hive stirring long before, so there’s that.

That’s the problem it never says when the Hive began stirring in the Moon.

Indeed. That’s the crux of it.

Replaced with quote.

There are a few problems with that, which I’ll address in the relevant post.

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I already got to the Xyor error. Thanks though.

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I was a bit…excited.

Haha, when I got there I saw you corrected yourself. Nice work.

I’ve made all of the relevant changes to Destinypedia’s articles, including adding the new Grimoire. At last Dredgen Yor’s story comes full circle. How the mighty have fallen. I wonder if our Guardian is seen as the next Rezyl Azzir, but not fallen, in the eyes of the City and their fellow Guardians, who don’t know of the truth. That’s both comforting and frightening. It’s a good thing Ryzel never became an Iron Lord.


Yeah, though maybe if he hadn’t felt so alone he would have stayed on Earth longer, or brought backup to the Moon. That bond of brotherhood could have saved him.

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The Iron Lords could have provided him that companionship and surety he needed. The thing is, he felt like a god both in his own eyes and the eyes of literally everyone around him, and tried to live up to it, and felt like he had failed. Pride goeth before a fall, as they say.

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Myelin made a video. Its pretty roundabout but it made me think.

  1. Xyor was the Thorn questline wizard. Still no lore on her
  2. who was the “hulking knight” Rezyl seemed to have showed up to look for/fight?