King's Fall [Raid Transcript]

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Name: King’s Fall
Recorded: 2020.05.28


++ Hall of Souls, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

Form the Ritual

** The Guardian and their Fireteam arrive at the Court of Oryx on the Dreadnaught. The Guardians place twelve Tomb Husk relics on the six statues humming with dark energy and activate the Court of Oryx’s rupture. The Guardians open the portal to Oryx’s Throne World.

++ The Crux, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

** The Guardians enter the portal and navigate their way through the Dreadnaught’s ascendant realm.

++ Portico, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

** The Guardians cross the first chasm by using Hive Tomb Ships. The Guardians cross the second chasm by activating Hive plates to break the barrier and riding another Hive Tomb Ship across.

The Guardian acquires a calcified fragment.

++ Basilica, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

The Guardian discovers a second calcified fragment.

** The Guardians discover a barrier that is powered by a Hive glyph. The Guardians split into two teams and collect the Brand of the Unraveler, awakening the Annihilator Totems. The Guardians gain control of the Annihilator Totems and share the Brand generating the Aura of the Unraveler, protecting them from the Darkness while accessing the Deathsinger’s Power. The Guardians empower the Hive glyph with the Deathsinger’s Power until the barrier is broken and the Warpriest deems the Guardians worthy.

** The Guardians summon the Warpriest by activating the glyph plates.

The Warpriest

** The Warpriest’s armor cannot be penetrated by conventional means unless controlling the Brand of the Initiate. The Warpriest activates a glyph sequence and the Guardians activate the glyph plates in sequence acquiring the Brand and Aura of the Initiate.

// NOTE If the players don’t defeat the Warpriest
The Warpriest calls upon the Oculus and consumes a Hive glyph attempting to defeat the Guardians.

** The Guardians defeat the Warpriest.

// NOTE If the player has “The Old Hunger” Quest
The Guardian acquires the Blade of Famine.

Blade of Famine

++ Golgoroth’s Cellar, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

** The Guardians pass through the Warpriest’s rupture and navigate through a dark labyrinth.

The Guardian discovers a third calcified fragment.

** The Guardians enter Golgoroth’s chamber and discover the Tablet of Ruin in the center of the chamber. The Guardians summon Golgoroth.


** The Guardians destroy a bubble releasing a pool of Reclaimed Light while Golgoroth focuses his gaze on one Guardian attempting to poison them with Orge’s venom.

// NOTE If the Tablet of Ruin is completed
The Guardians’ Light is drained by the Soulsiphon Plinth and the Guardians

** The Guardians defeat Golgoroth.

The Guardian discovers a fourth calcified fragment.

++ Transept, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

** The Guardians traverse the edge in search of Oryx, the Taken King.

The Guardian discovers a fifth calcified fragment.

** The Guardians activate Hive plates to summon pathways and ascend the chasm. The Guardians approach an aura of Light (Toland the Shattered) before it quickly disappears.

++ Threshold, Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn

** The Guardians enter the Threshold and discover the Deathsingers - the Daughters of Oryx: Ir Anûk and Ir Halak. A Guardian becomes taken - torn between dimensions - and Ir Anûk begins her Deathsong: the Hymn of Weaving. The Guardians activate the Hive plates summoning platforms into existence allowing the Taken Guardian to claim the Brand of Weaving. The Guardians use the Aura of Weaving to defeat Ir Anûk.

Ir Anûk, Deathsinger

** Another Guardian becomes taken and Ir Halak begins her Deathsong: the Hymn of Unraveling. The Guardians activate the Hive plates summoning platforms into existence allowing the Taken Guardian to claim the Brand of Unraveling. The Guardians use the Aura of Unraveling to defeat Ir Halak.

Ir Halak, Deathsinger

// NOTE If the player has “The Old Hunger” Quest
The Guardian acquires the Shroud of Ir Anûk.

Shroud of Ir Anûk

** The Guardians approach an aura of Light (Toland the Shattered) and Oryx, the Taken King appears. Oryx releases a charge of dark energy and a Guardian absorbs it becoming torn between dimensions.The Fireteam activates Hive plates summoning platforms into existence allowing the Taken Guardian to claim the Brand. The Fireteam defeats four Light-Eater Ogres all of which contain blights with Corrupted Light.

** The Taken Guardian returns and unleashes the Brand of Immortality by defeating a Vessel of Oryx. The Fireteam uses the Aura of Immortality to stagger Oryx by damaging his heart, preventing him from calling upon the Darkness.

// NOTE If the players denote the blights
Oryx will summon blights and begin detonating them throughout the Threshold.

// NOTE If the players do not detonate any blights
Oryx summons a massive blight and forces Guardians into the Darkness Dimension where they challenge and defeat a Shade of Oryx.

** The Guardians continue to battle Oryx until sixteen blights of Corrupted Light have been channeled and detonated. Oryx makes his final stand by calling upon the Darkness and the Guardians defeat Oryx by attacking his heart.

Oryx: Defeated

** Oryx’s body forms a chrysalis as it drifts towards Saturn.

// NOTE If the player has “The Old Hunger” Quest
The Guardian acquires the Shroud of Ir Anûk.

The Ravenous Heart

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