Missing lore in Marasenna and Awoken of the Reef?

I’m not sure why, but it seems like there’s missing lore? By chance, I found “Palingenesis III” on Destiny Data Explorer. Same with “Revanche I”. Both of those cards are completely missing from their respective books and can’t be found on Ishtar. Are they missing or were they cut or something? Even if they were cut, they contain info that makes things flow together better.

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This lore is intentionally not in the game yet.


It’s gonna be added later? It seems weird that they’d cut those out for the future. Those cards aren’t very consequential. They just make the book flow better. :confused:

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They are going to be added later, yes.

I don’t know why they weren’t included, you’re right that they don’t seem to contain anything controversial or consequential, so I’m not sure!

We’ll just have to wait and see :slight_smile:

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Alright, so if they aren’t released, say by Penumbra, will you just add them anyways? I honestly can’t see Bungie releasing it with another update. It seems to me that Bungie either cut them (for some reason?) or just accidentally left them out. Thanks for the update!

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I will consider it :slight_smile: I am confident that Bungie will do something before then though!

I found this concerning the issue. Just thought I’d mention it since I stumbled across it. At this point, I’m pretty sure Bungie left it out by accident and just forgot about it. Oh well.

I have spoken to people at Bungie about this but I can’t really talk more about it.


Alright. As long as this isn’t just forgotten about, I’m happy. I mostly just find this situation to be weird.

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