Nightmare Containment: Transcript (as of Week One, WIP)

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Name: Nightmare Containment: Transcript
Playlist URL:
Recorded: 2022.25.05


++ Castellum, Derelict Leviathan

// NOTE If you complete the Containment event
Nightmare of Uldren: Don’t you ever tire of doing other people’s busywork, Guardian? Do you ever wonder if, just maybe, people are taking advantage of you? I know I did.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
Nightmare of Uldren: You know… Sometimes, if I curl my finger just so… I can feel the pressure of the trigger. Smell the gunpowder. Hear Cayde’s screams. [catches his breath] I could’ve done it nice and quick. But… well, you know. Don’t you?

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
Amanda Holliday: Checking in from the H.E.L.M. How’s it going on the ground?

Nightmare of Uldren: Miss Holliday, what a pleasant surprise. I’ve wanted so much to meet you.

The Crow: Don’t.

Nightmare of Uldren: Do you feel that, little bird? The urge to wind your fingers around my throat? To squeeze? That’s who we are.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
Eris Morn: Crow. Are you skulking about?

The Crow: I don’t skulk. [sighs] What do you want, Eris?

Eris Morn: Have you been seeing your other half? Has he been communicating with you?

The Crow: Like I owe him money. He’s extremely persistent.

Eris Morn: Glibness does nothing to help your growth. How are you responding to his goading?

The Crow: Kind of like this.

Eris Morn: It is as if you two deserve each other.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
The Crow: All clear.

Nightmare of Uldren: This is a waste of your time. Go home. Our sister needs us. You. I know you want to see her. I can feel it. There are things you want to say to her, so say them. She will listen.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
Nightmare of Uldren: I wonder how Mara is feeling right now, with her baby brother alive and refusing to acknowledge her? What a cruel knife to wield.

The Crow: She’s not my sister. I’m not doing this to spite her.

Nightmare of Uldren: So you admit you’re ignoring her on purpose. Is it because you’re scared of her? Or because you’re scared of who you are when you’re around her?

The Crow: No.

Nightmare of Uldren: Oh! Or maybe you’re just afraid you like it.

The Crow: Shut up! SHUT UP!

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
The Crow: What if I’m doomed to repeat Uldren’s mistakes?

Eris Morn: Doubt and shame would have you believe that. But it is a lie we tell ourselves when we are afraid of doing the hard work of change. Do not fear.

The Crow: Easier said than done.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
The Crow: Eris… You lost your Ghost, didn’t you? If anything ever happened to Glint, I…

Eris Morn: Yes. Brya. Her name was Brya… and she was my first friend. She gave me kindness, comfort, and the Light. She died so that I could have one last life. It is their parting gift to us. We must cherish it… as much as we cherish our time with them.

The Crow: Glint is my tether in an endless storm. I can’t imagine your loss. I’m sorry.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event
Eris Morn: Crow, now that you know your personal truth, do you correspond with your sister?

The Crow: She’s reached out, but I… haven’t had the time.

Eris Morn: You can lie to me all you want. Do not lie to yourself even once. I understand the compulsion to. The Awoken Queen is a complex woman. She often pushes people to–and, regrettably, past–their limits.

The Crow: She compromises me. Sees through me. Into me.

Eris Morn: I suppose she does. I hope you reconsider the lenses through which you have viewed her. Not all are equal.

//NOTE If you complete the Containment event