Pitting Supers against Real World Physics

punches phone to charge it, the new way to charge phones


How would damage resistance come into play? Guardians mid super take way less damage so if you were using Fists of Panic, this damage resistance would probably save you. However, I have no idea how and damage mitigation would carry over to real life.

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Yeah, I don’t think it would… but IRL I think that visible electricity coursing through you would liiikely kill you. Damage resistance or not.

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yeah, that’s a pretty safe assumption

Finger guns Yeah. That’s right.

I hope. You like. The posts.

yep mate, I do, quite a lot actually, there 20 charecters

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Yeah I had to do the 20 character thing too. Let’s see here… ah. Sunsinger. Well self res I am sure won’t be possible, but that I am pretty sure would kill you almost instantly.

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Wouldn’t you be unable to self res in the first place if real world logic applies? Wouldn’t you go immediately to wherever you believe you go when your dead?

well as religion would state, yes, for now though lets stay away from that subject so this doesn’t become an argument on which religion is right and so on, but scientifically reviving yourself, especially after you just died is very possible with minimal brain damage due to the small amount of time your brain wouldn’t get oxygen, also if we want to talk in the realm of scifi, it is theoretically possible for a complete cell rejuvenation or stasis causing an immortality of sorts and the ability to come back from the dead if you utilize the first option.

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okay. But if this was real logic in the destiny universe, most of deaths would be by bullets or something similar to that. Also known as brain damage.

Yeah. But what would happen if you launched it in the first place? Would you just… be reduced to ash?

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Launched what? The super? If that was about the super, then yeah, you would turn to ash.

Yaaay… I love ashes…

If you love ashes go live near an active volcano. Lots of ash there.:upside_down_face:

I’d make a pun, but I’d probably get my Ash kicked by someone if I did.


Slow claps Outstanding move.

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Hm… what about… Nightstalker or Defender?

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With Nightstalker you draw upon the energy of the Void to summon the bow and the arrow, even if there was a way for us to do this, you would probably either begin a black hole or get sucked into the Void itself. So… good luck, you know, not ending the universe.

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Sounds like fun! Killing billions is so much fun!

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