Quest: Ascendant Hunter, Coup De Grâce

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Name: Quest: Ascendant Hunter, Coup De Grâce
Video URL: Ascendant Hunter | Coup De Grâce | Season of the Hunt - YouTube
Playlist URL: N/A
Recorded: 2021.01.05


++ Rheasilvia, The Dreaming City

** The Guardian arrives in the Dreaming City and approaches Harbinger’s Seclude.

Osiris: Remember: the Celebrant must be killed in the Ascendant Plane. Destroy it, and you’ll deal Xivu Arath a crippling blow.

Ghost: Right. No Celebrant, no cryptoliths. No cryptoliths, no Wrathborn. Let’s see her fight us without an army. Crow, are you there?

The Crow: Somewhat. I tracked the Celebrant through a portal into swirling darkness.

Glint: A gateway to the Ascendant Plane.

The Crow: As I said: swirling darkness. I’m learning its tricks now, studying how it moves through these realms. It’s like a shark cutting through black water.

Ghost: Keep an eye on it.

The Crow: I can do more than that.

++ Harbinger’s Seclude, The Dreaming City

** The Guardian locates the cryptolith and deploys the lure.

The Crow: Ha! Tagged it! It’s bleeding energy and on its way back to you.

** The High Celebrant of Xivu Arath appears. The Guardian weakens the High Celebrant and it flees the area.

Ghost: It fled back into the Ascendant Plane! But it left something behind.

The Crow: Told you I tagged it. That’s residual energy. A blood trail. Destroy it, and the essences in your lure should reopen the portal.

** The Guardian destroys the residual energy and enters the the Ascendant Plane. The Guardian tracks the High Celebrant’s path to the tear in the Ascendant Plane.

Osiris: The Celebrant seeks to bring more territory under Xivu Arath’s control. Be quick. She will not be pleased with trespassers…

** The Guardian passes through the tear and returns to the Dreaming City.

Ghost: We made it through the portal back to the Dreaming City. No sign of the Celebrant. Crow, where are you?

The Crow: At your coordinates, walking the other side of the same coin. The way I see it, as long as we’re in both planes, it has nowhere to hide.

** The Guardian tracks the High Celebrant. The High Celebrant of Xivu Arath appears.

Ghost: Celebrant sighted!

The Crow: Do your thing.

** The Guardian engages the High Celebrant.

Ghost: This isn’t working. We can’t truly damage the Celebrant without reclaimed Light!

The Crow: Hold tight. I’m on it!

** Fallen Wrathborn appear.

Glint: We flushed them out of the Ascendant Plane and into the open.

The Crow: I just shot them until they ran, but I like the way you put it better.

** The Guardian weakens the High Celebrant and it flees. The Guardian destroys the residual energy and enters the Ascendant Realm. The Guardian tracks the High Celebrant’s path to the tear in the Ascendant Plane.

Osiris: To think, you can enter this plane using nothing but dead essences…

** The Guardian passes through the tear and returns to the Dreaming City.

Osiris: Xivu Arath strikes where Savathûn first pushed through the veil and entered the Dreaming City. Has she no ambition of her own?

** The Guardian defeats more Fallen Wrathborn and a Champion. The High Celebrant of Xivu Arath appears. The Guardian engages the High Celebrant. The High Celebrant flees and summons a Hive Wrathborn Ogre.

Ghost: It stopped bleeding energy. We can’t get through.

Glint: I think the Celebrant realized we marked it. It sealed the portal behind itself.

The Crow: We’re trapped in here?

** The Guardian defeats the Hive Wrathborn Ogre.

Osiris: If your companions are trapped in the Ascendant Plane with the Celebrant… then they are already lost. Like Sagira.

Ghost: The portal closed, but maybe there’s enough Hive magic left in the lure to activate some other way through.

** The Guardian deploys the lure.

The Crow: I hope you can hear this. The Celebrant turned it around on us — the hunter becomes the hunted. I wanted to… Listen, if things get ugly for us in here, just know it’s not your fault. Everything I did, I did because I wanted to. Thank you. For letting me have a choice.

** The Guardian follows a path of ascendant platforms and uses an ascendant portal to enter the Ascendant Plane.

Ghost: Crow, we’re in the Ascendant Plane! Do you read us?

The Crow: Nothing in here I can’t handle.

Glint: What are you talking about? The Celebrant broke your legs and threw you into an abyss!

The Crow: Nothing I can’t handle. The High Celebrant’s just up ahead, and I think I have a plan…

** The High Celebrant of Xivu Arath appears.

Ghost: For Sagira.

** The Guardian engages the High Celebrant.

The Crow: Are you keeping it busy? I’m nearly at the portal where you came in.

Ghost: You’re leaving?

The Crow: Like Osiris said, the Celebrant must die in the Ascendant Plane, and you’re our best shot at making that happen.

Osiris: He’s leaving.

The Crow: I survived by watching the world around me and learning from my Light. I’ve studied how that thing creates those portals. This time, I’ll be ready.

** The Guardian weakens the High Celebrant and it attempts to escape.

Ghost: Energy readings are spiking. It’s going to create another portal.

The Crow: I’m in position on the other side. You’re smoking it out, Guardian, but if I block the exit — it burns.

** The Guardian defeats a Champion. The High Celebrant traps the Guardian.

Ghost: Crow! The portal!

The Crow: I see it.

** The Crow prevents the High Celebrant from escaping. The Guardian is freed and The High Celebrant kneels before the Guardian.

The Crow: Now, finish it!

** The Guardian executes the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath.

Osiris: The High Celebrant of Xivu Arath is no more. How did you manage that?

Ghost: Crow destroyed its portal from the other side when it tried to escape. I knew he wouldn’t really leave us.

The Crow: No, never. Oh, bring its head, would you? Spider will want proof when you come to collect. It’s been an honor, Guardian.

“kneel before” has a subservient connotation, could we go for maybe “falls to its knees”?

see Challenger's Proving: While the Iron Is Hot - #2 by nev