Salvage: Arcology (Week 6)

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Name: Salvage: Arcology (Week 6)
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// NOTE Mission Description — Collect Golden Age salvage from the shallows of the Kraken Mare for the Drifter

// NOTE Mission Description (Legend) — Coordinate your fireteam to take on this Legend Challenge. Haul up Golden Age salvage from Titan’s sea while defending against your foes.

++ New Pacific Arcology, Titan

** The fireteam lands in the Arcology.

// NOTE Objective — SECURE THE ARCOLOGY: Clear the Arcology Landing Zone of combatants.

Sloane: This feels good. We strike back as one fist, crushing Xivu Arath’s forces. Get to work!
Sloane: Guardian, I’m picking up enemy signals in the Arcology; sweep through the clear ‘em out!
Drifter: Y’know, this place ain’t half bad. Put up some string lights, invite some pals over, get some music going… it’s got a vibe!
Drifter: We gotta get to work, Guardians! Tell these jerks they don’t gotta go home, but they can’t stay here!
Lord Saladin: Guardian, the hunt begins. Push into the Arcology and wipe out the invaders.
Lord Saladin: We will hold the line. Hunt down the enemy, and secure the Arcology!
Saint-14: Look at you, leaping into battle! Show the enemy they cannot hold us back!
Saint-14: The Arcology is under attack; repel the invaders!

** The fireteam clears the zone of combatants.

// NOTE Objective — BEGIN SALVAGE OPERATIONS: Begin Salvage Operation.

** The fireteam begin the salvage operations.

// NOTE Objective — REACH THE NEXT JOB SITE: Keep the salvage operation running smoothly by resolving any issues on-site.

** Xivu Arath’s Attention is 7 minutes away.

// NOTE Objective — Xivu Arath’s Attention x:xx

** The fireteam moves to the required job site.

// NOTE One of the following events occur:

** Enemy combatants attempt to destroy the salvage awaiting transmat.

// NOTE Objective — SITE SECURITY. DEFEAT COMBATANTS DURING SALVAGE TRANSMAT: Protect salvage from combatant forces.

Sloane: Hostiles inbound; get between them and the salvage.
Sloane: They’re not give up. Protect our salvage, Guardians.
Sloane: We have enemies incoming! They’re going after the salvage deliveries; Guardians, intercept!

** The fireteam move to defend the salvage.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A salvage cache is under attack!

// NOTE If combatants destroy all of the salvage sites.

** The fireteam fail to defend the salvage sites.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A salvage cache has been destroyed by your foes!

// NOTE Objective — SITE SECURITY. DEFEAT COMBATANT WAVES: Defeat remaining combatant waves.

// NOTE Nav Feed — Security Status: Two more combatant waves incoming…

** The fireteam defeats the second wave.

// NOTE Nav Feed — Security Status: One more combatant wave incoming…

** Taken arrive, reinforcing the combatants and corrupting the salvage.

** The fireteam defeats the final wave.

// NOTE Nav Feed — Security Status: Salvage yard hostiles clear

** Enemy combatants sabotage the salvage operations.

Sloane: We have maintenance that needs to be done, and this area is too dangerous for anyone but a Guardian. Let’s get to work.
Sloane: We’re in this fight together. Time to get this Arcology back in operation.
Sloane: Let’s get to work, Guardians… stronger together.

** Fallen including Fallen Sappers sabotage the site, taking wrenches and destroying power relays.

// NOTE Objective — SITE RELIABILITY. REPAIR POWER RELAYS: Defeat the Fallen saboteurs.

** The fireteam move to repair the power relays with the wrenches.

** Hive prepare a ritual portal, attempting to sacrifice thralls to charge it.


** The fireteam defeat the thralls before entering the portal; denying the ritual of power.

** The cranes used for the salvage operation cease to function.

// NOTE Objective — ENGINEERING. REPAIR THE CRANE: Find repair components in the Arcology and return them to the crane.

Sloane: I’m detecting multiple systemic failures in engineering. Guardians, I need you down there.
Sloane: That attack left us vulnerable. We need you out there handling repairs.
Sloane: Power readings are abnormal. The invasion must have damaged some of the Arc relay fuses. They need to be replaced.

** The fireteam repair the cranes by installing spare fuses.

// NOTE If a Guardian gets killed while carrying a crane part.

// NOTE Nav Feed — Guardian’s crane part was stolen!

** Enemy combatants attempt to destroy the Arcology.

Sloane: The enemy left explosive ordinance primed to blow! I need your assistance on this Guardians.
Sloane: Guardians, our enemies left explosives behind. We need to dismantle them before they damage the Arcology.
Sloane: There’s explosives rigged around the Arcology. We need to disarm them before they blow!

** The Fallen plant explosive ordnances throughout the Arcology.

// NOTE Objective — ORDNANCE DISPOSAL. DISARM FALLEN EXPLOSIVES: Fallen saboteurs have planted explosives in the Arcology. Find and disarm them.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A Fallen explosive has been armed!

** The fireteam move to defuse the charge.

// NOTE Nav Feed — The Guardian defused a Fallen explosive!

** The fireteam dispose of all the charges.

// NOTE Objective — ORDNANCE DISPOSAL. DEFEAT THE FALLEN DEMOLITIONISTS: Defeat the Fallen responsible for sabotaging the Arcology.

** A pair of Fallen Demolitionists arrive.

** The fireteam defeat the Fallen Demolitionists.
** The fireteam fail to defuse a charge.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A Fallen explosive has been detonated!

** The Hive prepare a ritual to destroy the Arcology.

// NOTE Objective — ORDNANCE DISPOSAL. LOCATE AND DESTROY THE HIVE RITUAL CRYSTALS: The Hive are preparing a ritual in the Arcology. Stop them at all costs.

** Devoured Ogres arrive

** The fireteam defeat the Devoured Ogres, then take their Resonant Shard.

** The fireteam use the Resonant Shard to destroy all the ritual crystals.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A ritual crystal has been destroyed!

// NOTE Objective — ORDNANCE DISPOSAL. DEFEAT THE RITUALIST WIZARD: Defeat the Hive ritualists.

** A pair of Ritualists of Xivu Arath arrive.

** The fireteam defeat the Ritualists of Xivu Arath.

** An Salvage Hoarder or Avaricious Knight arrives.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A treasure-laden combatant is near…

** The fireteam defeat the Salvage Hoarder or Avaricious Knight, and take their treasure.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A treasure-laden combatant has been defeated!
// NOTE If the fireteam fail to defeat the treasure-laden combatant in time.

** The treasure-laden combatant leaves the site with their hoard.

** Xivu Arath’s Attention is 1 minute away

// NOTE Nav Feed — Xivu Arath’s gaze is drawn to the salvage site…

** Xivu Arath’s Attention is 30 seconds away

// NOTE Nav Feed — Xivu Arath’s ire is nearly upon you…

** The fireteam is disrupted by a source below the methane sea.

// NOTE Objective — LOCATE THE DISRUPTION: Something is stirring beneath the salvage site.

Sloane: Guardians, we have enemies inbound on the seafloor. Brace yourselves. Transmat firing!
Sloane: Our salvage operations have stirred up enemy forces on the seafloor. Sending you in, Guardians.
Sloane: We have hostiles gathering on the seafloor. Sending you in to deal with them!

** The fireteam dives beneath Kraken Mare.

// NOTE Status — Pressure Resistance

// NOTE Status — Repressurizing

++ Kraken Mare, Titan

Sloane: Xivu Arath is marshaling her forces. Be prepared for anything.
Sloane: [groans] I can feel… rage. Guardian? Something’s near.
Sloane: Guardians, stand strong. They’re going to throw everything they have at us.

// NOTE Objective — DEFEAT AZSHRADAT’S RUNEKEEPERS: RUNEKEEPERS DEFEATED n of 4: Prove your strength to Azshradat by defeating Runekeepers.

** Azshradat, Celebrant of Xivu Arath arrives.

** Runekeeper Wizards and Knights arrive.

** Azshradat tests the fireteam with the runes.

// NOTE Nav Feed — The Guardian has found the ritual rune

// NOTE Status — Heinous Rite

** The fireteam empower the correct ritual runes to remove the Runekeepers’ shields.

// NOTE Objective — Time until Rune Disruption x:xx.

** The hive disrupt the fireteams connection to the ritual rune.

** Repeating the process, the fireteam defeat all the Runekeepers, breaking Azshradat’s shield.

// NOTE Objective — DEFEAT AZSHRADAT, CELEBRANT OF XIVU ARATH: Secure this salvage operation by defeating the seafloor threat.

** The fireteam defeats Azshradat, Celebrant of Xivu Arath.

// NOTE Objective — DEFEAT XIVU ARATH’S FORCES. TAKEN WIZARDS DEFEATED N OF 3. Defeat the Taken Wizards to draw out Xivu Arath’s servant.

// NOTE Nav Feed — A Wizard manifests

** The fireteam defeat the Servile Wizards to draw out Uorgotha.

** Uorgotha, Scourge of the Deep arrives.

// NOTE Objective — DEFEAT UORGOTHA, SCOURGE OF THE DEEP: Weaken Uorgotha by defeating his retinue.

** The fireteam defeat the taken minions, including Servile Taken; breaking Uorgotha’s shield

// NOTE Objective — UORGOTHA IS VULNERABLE: Defeat Uorgotha while he is weakened.

** The fireteam divert Uorgotha’s attention, shooting its back.

** The fireteam defeat Uorgotha, Scourge of the Deep.

// NOTE Objective — DEFEAT VAL CA’UOR: Defeat Val Ca’uor, Bladebound to Xivu Arath.

** Val Ca’uor, Bladebound to Xivu Arath arrives

** The fireteam defeat Val Ca’uor, Bladebound to Xivu Arath.

** The fireteam complete their salvage operations.

// NOTE Objective — CLAIM SALVAGE: Claim your cut of the salvage.

Drifter: We got any ideas what that graveyard was about? All them bones where Xivu Arath’s people were doing their thing?

Sloane: Humanity wasn’t the only species to suffer during the Collapse. Titan must have had an abundance of naive life.

Drifter: Huh. Never thought about that… all the critters that got wiped out when the Golden Age did. Leave it to the Witness to kill off everybody’s pets. Jerk.
Drifter: Hey, Sloane! Moondust’s gonna come pay you a visit while you’re hanging out here.

Sloane: …Moondust?

Drifter: Eris. She hates the nickname, but it’s a cute hate. Anyway, she wants to pick your brain about your experiences with Ahsa.

Sloane: I suppose I can… tidy up a bit.

Drifter: I don’t think you need to worry about that, sister.
Saint-14: Sloane, I… wanted to apologize for something. I know this is not the best time, but… if not now, when? When I was Vanguard Commander, before Zavala, I was… reckless. Irresponsible. Always running off after Osiris. Always forgetting my duties at home. But you… you stepped up and took responsibility for it. You forged the title of Deputy Commander out of grit and tenacity, to cover my shortcomings. And you never once complained. You were the glue that held the Tower together while I… chased dreams. And I never did I once say… thank you. So! In front of the Guardians and the universe, I say it: thank you, Sloane. If anyone deserves that title, it was you, not me.

Sloane: I—I’m—[exhales] Thank you, Saint.
The Drifter: You know, been wondering for a long time what the mystery creature of Titan was. Never thought we’d find out.

Sloane: Ahsa is a remarkable being and a formidable ally. I hope that one day, we can all learn more about her… when she’s recovered her strength.

The Drifter: Yeah… we might have to disturb her nap once or twice, though. I know Eris has some ideas she wants to run by her.

Sloane: If it involves combatting the Hive, I have no doubt that Ahsa will be willing to rouse briefly.

The Drifter: Yeah. Long-girl seems pretty all right.

Sloane: Don’t call her that.
Saint-14: Drifter! I hear from the deputy commander that she had that drink she owed you.

The Drifter: Yeah, except I provided the drink. So I guess we’re right back to square one.

Saint-14: Ah, I see. How strange that you volunteer for dangerous mission at great personal risk, all for debt you never collect.

The Drifter: What you gettin’ at, tin man?

Saint-14: Nothing, nothing — just glad you chose to come along, yes? To talk to Sloane. About your drink.
Lord Saladin: It’s been fascinating hearing my Iron War Beasts talk about Xivu Arath. About their thirst for vengeance.

Saint-14: For the destruction of Torobatl, their home planet.

Lord Saladin: Yes. What surprised me is how… understanding they are. It’s what they would have done, had the situation been reversed.

Saint-14: Understanding? The Hive killed billions!

Lord Saladin: So have the Cabal. Make no mistake: Caiatl will have her revenge on Xivu Arath… but as equals, one conqueror to another.

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