Greetings, Guardians. Osiris has finally returned to us, and along with him, an… interesting… series of exotic gauntlets for each of our various divisions, our classes. All tied to a mysterious “Aeon Cult” and all sharing the same flavor text. When examining the lore tabs of the armor from this Cult, they appear to be simple nonsense. The lore tabs of the armor pieces read as follows:
Aeon Soul: “to stand apart from your [heroes) are commonplace these (days] of change draw ever [closer) looks at what is forbidden can only (help] them help [you) are so afraid of the (taboos] must be [overthrown) rulers would agree i’m (sure]ly you are convinced by [now) go and find yourselves] ]”
Aeon Safe: “your sense of (self]-preservation coddles leaders into ritual [complacence) is something (i have forgotten] loneliness uncertainty life [alone) i see with my six (eyes] watching from beyond [the heliopause) is a curtain before the next and final (act] decisively to meld with [yourselves) will know (you] together alone striving toward your final [purpose) built to move as they (move]”
Aeon Swift: “[ (we followed [the Path) crumbled beneath (our feet] became [one mind) can absorb (the truth] is that Osiris understands [nothing) can describe the joy of shared (thought] you knew what they were didn’t [you) haven’t lived as they (do] you wish to find [your future) is (predetermined] individuals will never find [answers) lie in forbidden (places] bound by [shared dreams) will reveal (your nature] is to [destroy)”
As I’ve said, these appear to be complete nonsense.
Until you look closer, Guardians…
Allow me to explain.
I believe they contain a message. Many messages, in fact.
Look at the symbols each passage begins and ends on.
If we take a look at them. The Hunter’s begins with a bracket and a parenthesis and ends in a parenthesis. The Titan’s begins with a parenthesis and ends with a bracket. The Warlock’s begins with a bracket, and ends with… two brackets?
That will become important later, but for now, we shall focus on the symbols on the individual pieces of armor.
But… what could that mean?
These appear to be messages of some sort and each class has a message directed to them.
Aeon Soul: “[heroes) … (days] of change draw ever [closer)… (help] them help [you)… (taboos] must be [overthrown)… (sure]ly you are convinced by [now)”
Aeon Safe: “(self]-preservation coddles leaders into ritual [complacence)… (i have forgotten] loneliness uncertainty life [alone)… (eyes] watching from beyond [the heliopause)… (act] decisively to meld with [yourselves)… (you] together alone striving toward your final [purpose)… (move]”
Aeon Swift: “[(we followed [the Path)… (our feet] became [one mind)… (the truth] is that Osiris understands [nothing)… (thought] you knew what they were didn’t [you)… (do] you wish to find [your future)… (predetermined] individuals will never find [answers)… (places] bound by [shared dreams)… (your nature] is to [destroy)”
Examining them with respect to the portions that begin and end in parentheses reveals three messages.
But what of those that begin and end in brackets?
As expected, they also appear to reveal three messages.
Aeon Soul: “[heroes) are commonplace these (days]… [closer) looks at what is forbidden can only (help]… [you) are so afraid of the (taboos]… [overthrown) rulers would agree i’m (sure]… [now) go and find yourselves]]”
Aeon Safe: “your sense of (self]… [complacence) is something (i have forgotten]… [alone) i see with my six (eyes]… [the heliopause) is a curtain before the next and final (act]… [yourselves) will know (you]… [purpose) built to move as they (move]”
Aeon Swift: “[the Path) crumbled beneath (our feet]… [one mind) can absorb (the truth]… [nothing) can describe the joy of shared (thought]… [you) haven’t lived as they (do]… [your future) is (predetermined]… [answers) lie in forbidden (places]… [shared dreams) will reveal (your nature]… [destroy)”
So now, there are six messages in total. Two for each item, and therefore, each class. The messages in Soul to Warlocks, the messages in Safe to Titans, and the messages in Swift to Hunters.
Some of the messages still seem… broken?
As though something further was meant to be added to each and was… left off somehow?
For example, the Hunter passage with respect to brackets begins the word “destroy” with a bracket, and… ends in a parenthesis.
Inconsistencies and errors like this appear in all six messages.
What could they mean?
Surely these messages could not have been hidden like this, only to end in nonsense?
So, I began to examine the symbols each passage begins and ends on, and I realized something.
They alternate.
Now, I noted that the double symbol at the end of the Warlock passage would become important. Compare it to the Hunter passage. It begins in a double symbol as well, a bracket and a parenthesis.
Two symbols at the end of a passage, and two symbols at the beginning of another. Could they perhaps be linked? At the suggestion of a friend, I examined the phrases with matching symbols a bit more closely. As a result, I discovered something.
The passages link together as additional messages beyond the six that I have shown so far.
And I believe I have decrypted them.
If you look at the phrases that begin with brackets, they seem to follow a certain order. And of course, we must start on the lore entry that begins with brackets, and end on the one that ends with them. And noting that the double symbols present on the Hunter and Warlock entries were both brackets, I believed they could be the beginning and end of the bracket messages, with the Titan entry making up the center portion.
Therefore, with respect to the brackets, the order is thus. Swift, Safe, Soul. Hunter, Titan, Warlock.
“[ …[the Path) crumbled beneath (our feet]… [one mind) can absorb (the truth]… [nothing) can describe the joy of shared (thought]… [you) haven’t lived as they (do]… [your future) is (predetermined]… [answers) lie in forbidden (places]… [shared dreams) will reveal (your nature]… [destroy) your sense of (self]… [complacence) is something (i have forgotten]… [alone) i see with my six (eyes]… [the heliopause) is a curtain before the next and final (act]… [yourselves) will know (you]… [purpose) built to move as they (move]… [heroes) are commonplace these (days]… [closer) looks at what is forbidden can only (help]… [you) are so afraid of the (taboos]… [overthrown) rulers would agree i’m (sure]… [now) go and find yourselves] ]”
Lo and behold, a coherent message composed of three others reveals itself. Quite interesting, and one portion in particular stands out to me. “[alone) i see with my six (eyes].” Hmm. Three pieces of gear. Three classes. All the classes are humanoid creatures with two eyes apiece. Therefore, it seems the message is referring to a fireteam of three. It also appears that their minds are… linked somehow.
Now, after this, I recalled that there had been two sets of messages for each class depending on which symbol I began with. One set for brackets, another for parentheses. Perhaps another message could be derived from combining the messages surrounded by parentheses?
So, I decided to investigate them, and attempted to link them.
And, to my delight, another message revealed itself.
Using the same ordering as the first, beginning with the Hunter message, and ending with the Warlock, the composite message reads as follows:
“(we followed [the Path)… (our feet] became [one mind)… (the truth] is that Osiris understands [nothing)… (thought] you knew what they were didn’t [you)… (do] you wish to find [your future)… (predetermined] individuals will never find [answers)… (places] bound by [shared dreams)… (your nature] is to [destroy)… (self]-preservation coddles leaders into ritual [complacence)… (i have forgotten] loneliness uncertainty life [alone)… (eyes] watching from beyond [the heliopause)… (act] decisively to meld with [yourselves)… (you] together alone striving toward your final [purpose)… (move]… [heroes) … (days] of change draw ever [closer)… (help] them help [you)… (taboos] must be [overthrown)… (sure]ly you are convinced by [now)”
It appears that someone believes they have convinced us of… something with these passages. But who? And for what purpose? Beyond that, I understand nothing of this message. In the first, I could at least decipher what the “Six Eyes” were, if nothing else within it, but here? Here, I am at my wits end. And so, I submit these decryptions, and these passages to you, my fellow Guardians. Can you make further sense of them than I and decipher their true meaning? Or shall they remain a mystery whose purpose shall only be revealed to us at a later time? I suppose we shall see…
Light be with you, Guardians. And good luck.