What Class do you play?

It’s aggravating though when they insult the game

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yeah. I know of only three people that play destiny 2 in my school of 1400 students. One of them is me, the two others are my friends.

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I only know of two, one is me the other doesn’t have forsaken so we cant play :frowning_face: course at my old school I had a bunch of my bro’s who played destiny

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I bought Forsaken for my friend for Christmas, and he still refuses to buy the annual pass, and the other has no dlc.

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also I would love to give a shout out to @abowlofruit12 for the large amount of likes he has given me for some reason @Crystal feel your pain mate

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Lol. I should probably try to get back into the game tbh…

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There is Gambit Prime open right now, which is just Gambit cranked to 11

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If you guys are interested in talking about just about anything we do have a discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/R33Wncn

Some of us are at school on school devices so we can’t access Discord.

Same here, but if you have a phone you could use discord on that.

Well guess what I don’t have?

A job? I’ve seen some decent phones go for around 40$. You don’t need a sim card either for discord

Or a phone. Also I am in 8th grade so…

Do you have a home computer? There is a discord website for computers.

Yes I do I just can’t access it during school hours :roll_eyes: Anyway. I can

It’s better to get on the discord later in the day (If you’re in the US) Because a lot of people on the discord are from Australia and other time zones.

Ah… got it. Thank you, wise old man

decided to move this rant here

well hunters are being nerfed (…again, seriously bungo go nerf someone else for once) and warlocks are being buffed, so expect some novawarps with no real counter now that spec blades is nerfed… im sad, 1 eyed mask is still pretty broken but at least it in not on 100% of titans like it was before, just 80-90% which is nice, the new hunter exotic is nice due to the fact that its one eyed mask but instead of all damage its just arc melee, I dont really know why people are complaining about spec blades (though i am a hunter main) it is just a counter to supers so us hunters have a chance at playing the game without dying horribly due to our inherently worse supers than the other classes, now you might be saying, But Mech cant you snipe with golden gun? and my anwser is, yes but not really (shotguns exist) and goldie has no buffed health so expect the second you pull it to be gunned down by a shotgun rusher or two guys with pulses (all it takes) next we have the nightstalker, the super that is so bad in a pvp fight its almost unusable, imagine this, you see a group of people and you pull a cheeky super to tether all of them 1. the intantly see you are start firing (your in the air) 2. you die before you hit the ground and they shoot you super out of existence, thats 1 wasted super and 1 unneeded death, happens all the time to me… dont even talk to me bout arc, THEY HAD ONE GOOD SUPER AND IT WAS BUNGIE NERFED, alright so arc supers are kinda in a goldengun area RN, you pull it and dont instantly 1. doge rapidly or 2. whirlwind guard, you will die 2. arcstaff is only effective at very close ranges, all other classes can jump and hover over you as you vainly try to get them realizing you cant, your super runs out before you even get a kill and you die quickly afterwords

an analysis on the state of hunter supers

wow this was a long rant

ohh ya and spec blades also used to suck due to the fact that you couldnt hit anything with it cause no hit-scan

that just leaves us with golden gun (you gotta get lucky), spec blades (our only good roaming super), and my friend somehow uses arcstaff and makes it work with his liars handshake ohh yea if your within nova bombing range and you pull BB on more than 3 people I would be surprised if they all got killed by the BB, you can get 3-4 at chap distance

WE GOTTA KEEP THIS CONVERSATION AT THE TOP, for the last time ishtar my body doesnt need to be clear

.> “spectral blades nerfed”
When? They’ve always been pretty powerful, and haven’t been changed. Even without their super, their neutral game is crazy good. They’re still extremely viable with what they have. One precision kill gives you the positions of the entire enemy team, plus invis, plus increased damage. Instead of nerfing this specific super into the ground, all supers should have their damage resist cut back by quite a bit in PvP. Make so that popping your super isn’t a win button, and it requires planning and skill.

Perhaps make the invis give you faster speed and better damage with it being really close to invisible, but normal guardian amounts of health.