Alright @LordSaladPan I have made the Slova bomb.
“This is Amazing!” -Me quoting Shaxx
That looks really good. Do you mind if I try to draw that digitally so I can have it as my background?
my god this is beautiful… aaaaand screensaver
hey fruit can this be renamed “post random stuff here” or somthin
Okay then ill delete my topic about random stuff
Thanks guys! It really means a lot! If you want to do a re-draw or even trace it then that’s fine! I’ll try to remember to do a cleaned up version and color it in. But I have been forgetting to complete other projects due to my school life being crazy (and me being lazy =/).
Okay ima see for drawing it in paint or something when I get home.
I’ll rename it if you guys think I should.
Nah its fine, baxter might shut it down if you rename it as a chat, cause that has nothing to do with lore or Ishtar.
ahh im sorry mate, that was mostly my fault and I should’ve seen it coming
Sokay I didn’t know baxter was against a chat to help people access the Ishtar discord
Oof. Well I guess we could just figure it out in PMs?
lets do so, this fourm needs to say a place for lore rather than other thing
In my school everyone think Destiny 1. has no story 2. terrible gameplay 3. you have to pay for more story. 3 is true in a sense but Bungie is a smaller company so it is under stand able .
mate ever since my friend brought me into the destiny franchise ive had a fun time whether the game was good or not, in my mind thats all that matters
At least people in your school know what Destiny is.