What Class do you play?

Don’t worry, I am pretty sure that you will get your turn in the next 24 hours since you deleted your comment…

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You can snipe with Chaos reach, I did it on the one Nine map. (Where there are two identical sides, and the map is roughly triangle shape?) That is one of the longest range maps. And I sniped a few guys with my Super in Mayhem.
Though I am more of a fan of Void Bomb than Chaos, it still has it’s purpose.

But not in Gambit. Anyways, I’m looking forward to Prime tomorrow.

this is going to be great, me and my friend are actually decent at gambit, the comp version can only be better until the sweats get the new armor, WAIT YES, it says there are 104 comments and 4 comment before this I receive the hundredth one, MY LIFES WORK IS COMPLETE

So on my page officially @Jubi has the 100th comment. Congrats! You win… yeah um I don’t really have anything to give you. Hmm let’s see… You win the discussion! If I am not mistaken you were arguing for Warlocks. So looks like we have our winner… for now. This was a really fun place to watch you all hopefully enjoy some playful banter. Have fun with Gambit Prime tomorrow!

Definitely a man skirt

Hunter For Life Mr. Fruit

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If only I were Mr. Fruit.

Lol yeah! Warlocks! Athe can still have honorary second though. So that leaves Titans in last. Sorry guys!

how are titans in last?

by the way has anybody gotten a strange invitation from the drifter? i think he has something planned for later today and i can’t tell what.

Hmm… it’s… sentient!!! Do accept the invitation. Let’s see where this goes…

I agree, when I opened it it said it wasn’t until later, dang

Probably a pre-launch of season 6 bug.

Or maybe the Drifter is sentient and has feelings for you… sorry, enough spinfoil hatting for me. (For now) but yeah that’s probably a bug.

Now, would you rather have the Drifter as a Space Dad or Space Uncle?

He seems more like an uncle. He’s that one uncle who you know has secrets but hes just too much fun to be around so you don’t care.

And has a really cool duster whereas you just have a cape when you’re a titan…

I used to play Titan in D1, but after playing the D2 beta, I decided to become a Hunter main until the possible D3, in which I’ll be a warlock main.

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Pfft. Space Magicians are the best dude.