What Class do you play?

I think that all subclasses work to fufill different roles and without one of them, you can’t have a balanced team. For example, hunters go around and take care of isolated enemies/help with bosses, titans slaughter large groups of enemies, and warlocks work to heal and use their supers to DPS bosses because Chaos Reach makes bosses go away. All of that being said HUNTER MASTER RACE!

wow I gotta say you got me in the first half

I mean, Warlocks can be good Group killers…
Seriously that’s what most of our supers are.
Dawnblade? Yup. We have explosive slashes.
Voidwalker? All day every day.
The original Storm Trance?
Uh. Yeah.
Titans are the tanks, just because we have one healing class doesn’t mean it’s our sole job to heal. (I do not mean this to sound rude. As this is a very light hearted [No pun intended] conversation.)

well Titans are also group killers too. They are also weapon and armor enhancers with saint-14’s helm giving huge oversheild when passing through a ward of dawn, and with code of the commander banner shield buffing weapons.In my eyes Titans are group protecters (at least void class)and the others are just blowing stuff up and controlling the battlefield.

(Warlocks are still the best)

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Titan gang Fruit

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gang gang sheev gang gang

False. Warlocks art best thou knaves. Begone with thee

[Thou] appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.

Dost thou wisheth upon thy self an unpleasant time you pestilent peasant? You illegitimate knave! I banish thee to the nether realms!

I scorn you, scurvy companion. What, you poor, base, rascally, cheating, lack-linen mate! Away, you moldy rogue, away!

Rogue? Thou foolish serf! I am a marvelous mage! Thou art a maligrant marauder! A rascally, vile, knave of a marauder!

methinks tis time to end this no more brain than stone shakespearen arguement

we art smarter than this, we art the guardians of all things holy in this universe and hither we bickering

Haveth thou thought whether we art the defenders of all that is holy or that we art the defenders of all that is unholy? Hither we may bicker but this is a battle of the minds.

thou shall cease for the hunters are the greatest of all races, one could say a master race, and I find our chitchat to be quite amusing. I also must give my thanks to Sir Fruit for giving this opportunity to converse.

oh yeah what doth thee doth that is better than us Warlocks and Titans

Cease your misinformed chittering, ape! If thou believeth that the Rogues are the prizer class then thou art a fool!

I didn’t mean those where their only jobs, just what I mainly find when I play with the different classes. Also don’t get me wrong I still think warlocks and titans are great but living a care free life where I don’t have to worry about the tower a ton, that’s what calls me. Not sitting researching or beating everything into the dirt.

It is you tho are the fool my good sir, for the Hunters are the one who pertain the highest skill.