Is Jupiter Fundament? (Spinfoil Theory)

I pulled that quote from the Books of Sorrow

That was written by Savathun, whose entire goal is to sow discord and chaos through trickery and deceit. I see no reason to believe something she wrote. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe Oryx would be lying in these entries. There is no actual evidence that Jupiter is The Fundament and the burden of proof lies not on those nay saying the claim but on those who made it.

Put a pin in it then perhaps. We will see with time if there is a connection. I do have my doubts about the theory myself, but until the Ammonite fossils and the Bones on IO are explained in depth, I will cling onto it until further evidence reveals itself. Not intending on pushing anyone’s buttons, just opening the conversation. From what has been revealed to me and my research, there is certainly no definite answer. You believe what you need to believe.

The BoS could be the same type of premonition by oryx as calas had written down, he wrote down his conquest before it began.
Time wise the hive have the slowest rate of travel, no “light” drive. :eyes:
Calculate how long it would take for a ship to fly from Jupiter to Saturn.
Say 700 million km (as the Canuck flies) during this time we were in the process of colonization throughout our solar system. Saturn is even further away from earth then Jupiter, another billion km or so. So much could be possible on a galactic travel of that magnitude, while we maybe have been in the dark ages.
I believe many entities have had a glimpse of their own multiple “endings” and each might explain it different ways.
Calas had his possible future written down from his point of view.
The FWC have catalogued a bunch to future possibilities.
Oryx wrote his lies down and made a backup plan in case he was wrong.
The guardians have their destiny too😬

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Check this Grimoire card out and let me know what you think:

The Exo sees a hole in Jupiter and it is hungry, now what does that sound like? What if this is a vision of the Ammonite collapse? The BoS said the Ammonite had an Icy Capitol, the exo is on an ice planet in the vision.

He seems to be regressing in time to maybe what he was before he was an exo, I see Jupiter pulling at him because part of himself came from fundament. What if the deep stone crypt created the exo but used something they took from a creature on fundament to make the process work.

  1. well considering they arrive through portals I don’t see how this matters

  2. the books of sorrows is a slightly biased reference for the historical rise of the hive (at least most of it is, the last bits are just him writing) not really “visions” as you put it

(moving on)

  1. @IIIIINEROIIIII… what… just what… so an exo sees a hole on Jupiter and its hungry (most likely the big red spot) and this somehow ties to the Ammonite collapse? this is mixing two very different parts of the lore (exo dreams and hive) and drawing a random conclusion from it.

(edit) and not even to mention these cant even be counted on as proof, they are legit just exo dream maybe mixed in with real memories)

honestly the only reason I can get behind that this might be even a little bit true is if the hive came with the darkness, wiped out the golden age humans and left for better prospects, and that has little to no lore backup

Never said this was proof. But don’t any of you think it is a little peculiar that we’re talking about two icy moons, inhabited by two Ammonite creatures that worshipped the traveler that both orbit two gas giants? I’m not saying anything other than the Ammonite fossils is considered “evidence”, I threw that term around loosely in the posts above. But I’m stating right here right now that the bones on IO and the fossils are the only evidence I have. The other stuff may be a coincidence but there is no doubt in my mind that Jupiter and IO are significant to the Traveler and the future story of Destiny. I don’t find that Exo Grimoire card crazy at all if you listen to the context, it sounds no different than other references being consumed by the hive. Why does the exo bug out when he sees the hole in Jupiter? Also, I’m pointing out the fact that this person is a Thanatonaut not just an Exo. Thanatonauts have visions of the past.

We, our guardians, also saw a vision of IO in D2’s main campaign. Why is IO so significant?

I too feel IO is significant what if the traveler was built there ??
IO has the only traveler footprint with its maze print. What if it left from IO to begin its mission

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I believe it came here and hid for quite some time before Evie discovered it. I don’t believe it was made here necessarily, but I can’t disprove that.

I doubt the Traveler was created there because it did visit the Eleskini (spelling) before us, and if it was created on Io it probably would have come to us first.

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What if there are many travelers, ares is just the one that broke down.

We might be one solar system in a universal experiment.
The Fallen found a traveler but not their traveler.

We do know that the Traveler was not created on Io, it was just the last place the Traveler touched. That ring area is likely where the Traveler stopped, and the rings are a city that was built around it. If you look at the Last City, it is built up around the Traveler, giving it the same look as the buildings on Io.

I would have to agree, and I think with a name like THE Traveler, we can assume that there is only one.

This might be true, it is after all a machine and if whoever created the machine could do it efficiently there could be millions upon millions of travelers however I agree with lord salad that our traveler was definitely not built on io

I actually want to bring up an interesting argument… scientifically, it takes roughly 10,000 years to fossilize something. However, it’s an arbitrary amount of time depending on the scale of the specimen. Given that our Ammonites are so large, I would make an ASSUMPTION that it took 10,000 years for the Ammonites to fossilize. If this is true, that means there was life on IO and perhaps an advanced civilization roughly during our ice age. Meaning that if there was an advanced civilization on IO, or an alien crusade on Jupiter, we would have no way of knowing. If you assume Golden Age - Collapse is a few hundred years, give or take. We also know that whatever species that was, worshipped the Traveler, and built that strange Labyrinth looking structure underneath where the Traveler hung in our vision in the main D2 campaign. That ASSUMPTION means a few things… 1: The Traveler has been here for a long time, perhaps the thing that helped construct the Great Pyramids lol 2: The Traveler was here and left, then returned 3: IO may have been moved from another star system to ours.

Capitalized “assumption” just in case someone gets all butthurt over my wild ideas again lol