The Arms Dealer Strike

This is a collaborative work in progress- if you have a clip of dialogue which is not listed below, please add it to the relevant section and upload the video to a files sharing service.

++ Legions Anchor, European Dead Zone

Dialogue Author File location
Zavala: Fireteam; an urgent matter requires my attention. Hawthorne has volunteered to handle your strike on this end. Cayde-6: wait, are they going after the weapons guy? You said I could do that one! Zavala: I lied. Good luck Fireteam. Ghost: What are those Cabal doing out there? We need to get past this security door. @pirate_dani
Zavala: The target is Bracus Zhan. Weapons dealer to the Red Legion. Can I help you, Cayde? Cayde-6: Ikora said she needed you! Donā€™t worry. I got this one. Hawthorne: Iā€™ll keep an eye on it, no problem. Zavala: Be brave fireteam. @pirate_Dani
Zavala: Time for me to step out. Cayde, I leave it to you.
Cayde-6: OK, fireteam: thereā€™s a lot to cover as your official operative in the strike against Bracus Zahn, so weā€™d better get started. Item the firstā€“
Hawthorne: Strikeā€™s been started for a while.
Cayde-6: ā€¦Huh.
Zavala: Into the action right away. Iā€™m not surprised. Cayde, youā€™re up.
Cayde: Whoa, wait wait wait, Iā€™m not ready! I had a whole thing for this Zahn guy - I had charts and pictures - you know what, the one time I get it all - geez, forget it. You know what, just forget it.
Zavala: Bracus Zahnā€™s days of supplying weapons to the Red Legion will soon be over. Fireteam, Iā€™m leaving Operation Forge in the hands of Suraya Hawthorne. Also, Cayde will be thereā€¦ Good luck. @DrJazzyBebop
Ghost: Usually for an operation like this, Zavala provides logistical support. But it sounds like itā€™s just us this time around.
Cayde-6: Hawthorne, whereā€™d you put my datapad? It had the notes about that thing Iā€™m in charge of.
Hawthorne: You mean the Bracus Zahn strike thatā€™s already running? Off to a great start, Mr. Vanguard.

** The Guardian eliminates the Cabal/Fallen.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: What are those Cabal doing out there? We need to get past this security door. @Sekuiya
Ghost: All the paths to the rest of the base are shut tight. But get me to a console, and Iā€™ll take care of that. @Sekuiya
Ghost: We need to get further into the base. If I can access their networkā€¦ @Sekuiya
Ghost: No more enemies in here. There are plenty outside, though. Get me to a console, and weā€™ll get out there. @pirate_dani link pending

** The Guardian sends the Ghost to hack a console. While attempting to open the security door, the Ghost triggers a failsafe.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Uhā€¦ turns out Zahnā€™s network is different from the Red Legionā€™s. Cayde-6: Good different or bad different? Hawthorne: Did I just see a FLARE shoot into the sky? Ghost: Look, letā€™s not get into what might have shot into the sky and which enemy just summoned a bunch of reinforcements. Hawthorne: He sounds like you. Cayde-6: Awwā€¦ Thank you! @pirate_dani
Ghost: I think they were waiting for us this time.
Hawthorne: Sometimes the best way to spring a trapā€¦ is to spring the trap.
Cayde-6: Alternatively, donā€™t be there when it springs.
Ghost: Weā€™ll have to try that next time!
Ghost: Doorā€™s unlocked. But I couldnā€™t get through without tripping their master alarm.
Hawthorne: Not a trade I would have made, but youā€™re the one on the ground.
Cayde-6: Come on, how bad could one little alarm be?
Ghost: Very bad.
Cayde-6: Did you shoot up a flare? I thought we werenā€™t allowed to have flares anymore after Iā€¦ had nothing to do with why weā€™re not allowed to have flares.
Ghost: It wasnā€™t us! They must have detected me in their network.
Hawthorne: Then Iā€™d get ready for reinforcements. A lot of reinforcements.
Ghost: Weā€™re through. And I made things more exciting.
Cayde-6: Donā€™t sound so down, little guy. Fireteams are built for excitement!

** A Cabal transport ship appears, picking up a nearby tank.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: That tank just exposed a solar fuel cell. @pirate_dani
Ghost: That last tank didnā€™t finish refuelling before it got airlifted out. Cayde-6: Amanda told me Cabal fuel makes a pretty good accelerant. @Sekuiya
Ghost: Wait a minute ā€“ thereā€™s a high concentration of solar energy over there! @Sekuiya
Hawthorne: Scanners show reinforcements coming.
Ghost: That last harvester exposed an active fuel cell. Maybe we can use it!
Cayde-6: Attaboy.
Ghost: Thanks for moving that tank out of the way. Head for that solar fuel cell! @DrJazzyBebop

** The Guardian picks up the solar charge.

Dialogue Author File Location
Hawthorne: Whats that hissing noise? Cayde-6: Thatā€™s me. I must haveā€¦ Oh, wait a minute. Nope, not me. Ghost: Itā€™s us! Sheā€™s carrying the fuel cell! Cayde-6: Nice! @pirate_dani
Ghost: Great, grab it andā€¦ uh, whats the plan here? Cayde-6: Plan shmam. Take the radioactive thing and put in explody place. Thereā€¦ thereā€™s your plan. @pirate_dani
Ghost: OK, I didnā€™t mean for you to pick it up! But weā€™ll work with this. Hawthorne: Is this what ā€œbe braveā€ means for you Guardians? Didnā€™t know it was a prayer. Cayde-6: A true Guardian grabs the danger and walks around with it. @Sekuiya
Hawthorne: I canā€™t believe it. You were right. He grabbed it.
Cayde-6: Itā€™s what I would have done.
Hawthorne: Itā€™s not what ANYONE should have done!
Ghost: Why would you pick it up?!
Cayde: So she can find where itā€™ll do the most damage. Smart.
Ghost: Is it?!
Ghost: Thereā€™s an exhaust vent nearby, but I donā€™t know how long you want to hold onto that thing! @DrJazzyBebop

** The Guardian deposits the Solar Charge on an exhaust vent.

Dialogue Author File Location
Cayde-6: Sounded like a nice dunk. Hawthorne: ā€˜Dunkā€™? Cayde-6: Yeah, thats what we Guardians call it when we jam a radioactive fuel cell into an exhaust vent. You wouldnā€™t understand. @pirate_dani
Ghost: We did it! And we didnā€™t blow up.
Cayde-6: Yeah, not blowing up is as good as you can hope for sometimes.
Hawthorne: Way to reach for the starts.
Ghost: Nice work! That should take care of the barrier! @DrJazzyBebop

++ Legionā€™s Anchor, European Dead Zone

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Still havenā€™t been able to track down Zahn. Cabal usually LIKE to be found. Cayde-6: This guyā€™s no ordinary space rhino. His weapons ainā€™t half bad, either. Hawthorne: Those weapons have snuffed out too many good people. Cayde-6: Oh, donā€™t get me wrong. Heā€™ll still deserve whatever this fireteam gives him. They always do. @Sekuiya
Ghost: Zahnā€™s lieutenants arenā€™t messing around. Think weā€™ve seen the last of them?
Hawthorne: Heā€™s bound to have more. Insecure men tend to surround themselves with others like them.
Ghost: Cayde? Anything to add?
Cayde-6: Nope, sheā€™s totally right. Which is why I work alone.

++ Sunken Isles, European Dead Zone

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Well, this looks familiar. Cayde-6: Yeah, funny story about the Oh-roh? Oh-rohā€¦ Oh-roh-bahnā€¦uhā€¦ Hawthorne: Cabal and their weird ship names. Think it was the Orobas Vectura. Cayde-6: Yeah, that one. Zhan moved in after you put Thumos out to pasture. Heā€™s in there somewhere. @pirate_Dani
Ghost: The ship is still here!
Cayde-6: Zahn moved in after you put Thumos down. Surprised he hasnā€™t painted the place chartreuse to match his armor. //REFERENCE {transcript:Unbroken}
Hawthorne: Iā€™m sorry, painted it what now?
Cayde-6: Ahā€¦ nothing.

NOTE: If a tank appears

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Now weā€™re talking. Letā€™s get in that tank and bust them up!
Cayde-6: Why does everyone get a tank but me?!

** The Guardian make their way into the ship, Orobas Vectura.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Weā€™re inside the ship again. Zhan canā€™t be far now.
Cayde-6: Could be some really weird defenses in there. Not just flame turrets ā€“ Iā€™m talking REALLY weird.
Hawthorne: Donā€™t mess with them. They need to stay focused.
Ghost: Back into the ship we go. Weā€™re coming for you, Zahn.
Hawthorne: Heā€™s got a lot to answer for. Be thorough.

++ Echion Hold, European Dead Zone

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: I liked this place better when there wasnā€™t a Cabal TANK in it. Hawthorne: Why would they put a tank inside a ship? Cayde-6: Cause Zahnā€™s running scared. Donā€™t let up, fireteam. @Sekuiya
Ghost: No sign of Zahn. But that elevatorā€™s the only way forward. Forwardā€¦ and up.
Cayde-6: The Cabal made an elevator that goes forward? Man, they ARE inefficient.
Ghost: Remember that elevator? Looks like we have to bring it down again.
Cayde: That sounds easy.
Ghost: Thereā€™s a tank here.
Cayde: OK, well, there are manyā€¦ levels of easy.

NOTE: If the Guardian destroys the first Goliath Tank

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: One less tank to worry about. But we need to get up that elevator! @Sekuiya
Ghost: Now that weā€™ve dealt with the tank problem, we can focus on lowering that elevator. Look for control panels! @Sekuiya
Ghost: Got it!
Hawthorne: The elevator?
Ghost: No, the tank. NOW comes the elevator.

** The Guardian sends the Ghost to interact with two consoles to open a path forward. An elevator drops down with another tank on it.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Oh, come on! ANOTHER one? @Sekuiya
Ghost: Another tank. There was another tank on the elevator. @Sekuiya
Ghost: Hawthorne, youā€™re not going to believe this.
Cayde-6: Wait, wait, wait! Let me guess ā€“ giant flame turret.
Ghost: No. But thanks for that image.
Ghost: That tankā€™s between us and Bracus Zahn.
Cayde-6: I think you should blow up the tank.
Hawthorne: Heā€™s a master tactician.
Ghost: Hey, Cayde. Ten glimmer says thereā€™s a tank on that elevator.
Hawthorne: Please donā€™t encourage him.
Cayde-6: [whispers] Youā€™re on.

** The Guardian sends the Ghost to hack a console to breach the hangar security. A door leading there opens.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: There he is! Baracus Zhan is here.
Cayde-6: Try and grab his flame turret blueprints after heā€™s dead.
Ghost: We found Zahn!
Hawthorne: Donā€™t let him escape.
Ghost: Zhan is here!
Cayde-6: And the flame turrets? Is he using the flame turrets?
Ghost: YES.

** The Guardian jumps on the lift and is transported to the area with Bracus Zahn.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Now weā€™ve got you Zhan in a place you know way better than us. But that wonā€™t stop us. Letā€™s get him. @pirate_dani
Ghost: Weā€™re here. End of the line for you, Zahn! Cayde-6: Watch your six. And your twelve. You know what ā€“ just ā€“ just be careful. @Sekuiya
Ghost: Almost back to the surface.
Hawthorne: Watch for air support. This guyā€™s too smart to not have a backup plan.
Cayde-6: Eh, backup plans are overrated.
Ghost: Here we go!
Ghost: This is it. Weā€™ve got him corneredā€¦ in an airfield. OKā€¦ @DrJazzyBebop

** Bracus Zahn retreats to a high column. A shield appears surrounding the column he is on.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Weā€™ve got to get that shield down! Look around for something we can use! @DrJazzyBebop
Ghost: Where is an overcharged solar cell when you need one? @DrJazzyBebop
Ghost: Unless we disable that shield, weā€™re sitting ducks out here! @DrJazzyBebop
Ghost: That shield is making me mad! Weā€™ve got to get rid of it! @DrJazzyBebop

** The Guardian defeats Bracus Zahn.

Dialogue Author File Location
Ghost: Target eliminated! Hawthorne: Great work, fireteam. Cayde-6: Ok, yall getting way too formal. Whereā€™s the energy? Letā€™s hear some chatter other there. Uh?! Hawthorne: The jobā€™s done, Cayde. You can handle the chatter for a while. Cayde-6: Donā€™t mind if I do. @pirate_dani
Ghost: Take that, Zahn! Yeah! Zavala: Sounds like I returned at just the right time. Excellent work, fireteam. Cayde-6: Thanks, boss! It was by the book, the whole way. Zavala: Does this say ā€œflame turretā€? Hawthorne: Donā€™t forget about the signal flares. Zavala: [Sighs] @Sekuiya
Ghost: We did it! Zahn wonā€™t be making any more scary new weapons for the Red Legion.
Cayde-6: Oh, they will have to use regular old weapons.
Hawthorne: Those we can handle. Nice job.
Ghost: Got him!
Hawthorne: Without Zahn, the Red Legion will be back to throwing rocks before too long. Nice work.
Cayde: You ever been hit with a rock? Donā€™t joke about that. [To himself] Ah, I miss Eris.
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