Toland Patrol Tracker

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Anchor of Light

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Name: Toland Patrol Archer’s line
Recorded: 10/11/19

Toland: “In the Hive, the Vanguard faced a new threat they didn’t understand. So they did what they do best. - they shot at it. And to their detriment, it shot back. Death was delivered the day of our Great Disaster.”

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Name: Toland Patrol
Recorded: 10/11/19

Toland: “You feel it don’t you? The hunger that cannot be sated. What’s next? What if? Why? It eats at us. What we don’t know. It always has. Ignrance has never been bliss - not once you’ve learned you lack the truth.”

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Thanks for transcribing those Toland patrols @MrDynogames! They were flagged initially as spam as posts from new users with links are automatically categorised as spam. I’ve approved them, they should be fine now.

Could you please create new posts for each patrol location? You may need the Basic badge to create posts, I think you should be able to get that badge by just viewing more posts. The individual transcript posts should look like this, with an optional tag for each dialogue variation for a location. By location I don’t mean just the areas like Archer’s Line or Anchor’s Light, but rather the specific location within those areas. To compare it to the pilgrimage patrols (see list here), Garden of Esila, for example, had separate transcripts for the patrols on or near a bridge, a garden bench, a tree etc. Each transcript includes the dialogue variations for that particular location. Once you’ve created the posts, could you please link them in the Toland patrol list I’ve created above? The list should look similar to the one for the pilgrimage patrols. Thank you! If you have any questions please feel free to ask :slightly_smiling_face:

I do believe there was a patrol in which Toland spoke his suspects about Clovis Bray still being alive. I wrote an article about it, on why I believe Bray is alive as an Exo in Enceladus, inside the Stonecrypt tower. This is inferred in the Cayde-6 cache messages for the Ace of Spades quest and in other sources (tied with the 7 Seraphs and Rasputin original and discarded lore). I believe the patrol was in Anchor of Light, but I am not sure and I wasn’t quick enough to screenshot it. Do you have any clue? Throûdin, Absent Mind on Discord helped to get all the videos.

Name: Toland Patrol: Archer’s Line, Chasm


Recorded: 10/11=10/27/19



Toland: “In the Hive, the Vanguard faced a new threat they didn’t understand. So they did what they do best. - they shot at it. And to their detriment, it shot back. Death was delivered the day of our Great Disaster.”


Toland: “Serenity. Tranquility. Fertility. It seems a fine place for investigating alien life. Yes, but what of Storms? What of Cold? What of Crises? What does a sanctuary become a prison?”



Toland: “They told others their mission was exobotany, but this fig leaf could not hide their desire. They wanted knowledge the Traveler would not give them. Nothing is sweeter than forbidden fruit."



Toland: “So many wonders of the age, so many sciences still used, conceived of here, in silence and secrecy. What inspired them? What did they find in this desolation?”


Name: Toland Patrol: Archer’s Line, Rail


Recorded: 10/11-10/27/19



Toland: “You feel it don’t you? The hunger that cannot be sated. What’s next? What if? Why? It eats at us. What we don’t know. It always has. Ignrance has never been bliss - not once you’ve learned you lack the truth.”



Toland: “Just think of the old colony ships, lumbering toward some distant planet loaded with bodies. And then some soulless cargo packages flashes by shot from this Accelerator and piloted by an AI. It weighs you down, life.”



Toland: “Tragic. Casting a line out into the ocean of space. Ignorant of what swims out there, waiting in the depths. If they had known the truth, even the barest inkling, they would have shrunk away from its shores in terror.”



Toland: “Dark the Moon. Dark the night. Hush the station. Hush the Hive. Gone their leaders. Gone the Light.”



Toland: “Before we could leap from planet to planet like fleas, we had to crawl through the void like worms. The accelerator flew humanity’s necessities on swift wings, flitting them from the Moon to the colonies like starlings. But worms do not survive flights with birds.”
